The only rule when dealing with pictured folks. to – 374 points –

We could learn a lot from Indy. Not the misogyny, mostly just the nazi-punching.

Why let the archaeologists do all the punching?

Archaeologists and historians know better than most what happens when you don't punch nazis.

(edit) actually it's a fucked state of affairs when I assume by default that ordinary anglophones don't know about the holocaust.

Meanwhile in Germany: a history teacher is one of the biggest nazi politicians

I always like to mention that judges have ruled it acceptable to call him both a fascist and a nazi. It's high time we ban another political party.

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Everyone that studied history, historiography, and had any passing interest in WWII has been pulling their pubes out in frustration since 2015 if not earlier. My junk is smooth as an egg right now

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Why shouldn't you ever punch a nazi? Because you might get their nasty blood on your fist. Instead, you should use a baseball bat!

Love some good old indie punching nazis, even makes the newest movie good to watch!

I grew up on games like Call of Duty 1 and 2. Nothing quite as cathartic as running through Stalingrad mowing down Nazis 😍