It's not a paradox to Lefty – 37 points –

This is what I've always said to people when it comes to things like respect

Respect isn't earned it's the baseline. You give everyone a base level of respect as the default and their reaction is what determines your continued level of respect.

It goes way, way deeper.

It's the tit-for-tat strategy that is applicable in a very wide range of situations. And animals follow it too. It is deeply ingrained in our biology.

  1. first time you interact with a new person, you assume they are following the same strategy, so you cooperate.

  2. if they don't, then next time, you don't either. But if they do, then you both continue cooperating until someone breaks the chain of trust.

  3. Once broken, the guilty party must make amends to restart.

  4. If broken, but neither party acknowledges guilt, a restart can be tried, but it will always be difficult due to distrust. So it works better if one party takes the blame, makes amends and restarts. (this is called 'being the bigger person').

Upvote for mentioning tit-for-tat. There has been a lot of research on the iterated prisoner's dilemma, and as I recall the winning strategy determined by many experiments showed that over time, the 'nice tit-for-tat' strategy gets the highest score. It may lose out in an individual interaction, but over time, sticking to it is the best long-term strategy.

However this does mean if one is a grifter and fully expects never to interact with the other (victim) party again... there's less incentive to use such a strategy.

Word “respect” means two different things. One of them can only be earned, another can only be given.

What’s more, the part that can only be given is best described by trust. As in, the only way you can truly know if you can trust someone is to trust and find out.

In this context, the respect that is given - a regard for the others - is a baseline trust in a reciprocal valuation. The respect that is earned is the collection of outcomes that feed into others’ trust risk assessment.

Right, need to show this to Muslims in this country I live in.

everyone who voted for Trump broke the social contract of this country

Thank you for demonstrating exactly how this sentiment is so much of a problem.

Every marginalized populace has been accused of being an enemy of society. The paradox of intolerance says it is morally acceptable to oppress the enemies of society. The paradox says that oppressing these enemies is a moral imperative.

The same moral principle that allows you to be intolerant of Trump voters justifies intolerance toward Biden voters, and anyone else that anyone doesn't like.

The paradox of intolerance was cribbed from Mein Kampf, and is the foundational principle of fascism.

You're right, it all depends on who is in power, and what they define to be tolerable and what intolerance is in their view. That's why it's our moral obligation to tolerate the intolerant, however counterintuitive that may sound.

Lefty memes? More like loser memes. God bless amen

And you get to say who is tolarent and who is not... How convinient lol