98.32 kbs of rule data

an angrier terrarian@lemmy.blahaj.zone to 196@lemmy.blahaj.zone – 586 points –

I don't think there is any wasted data here just a cute face I needed to see today !

For the sake of your data, I won't do it, but I absolutely could embed this image into a comment, and if you don't have much data, you could get screwed: https://www.eso.org/public/archives/images/large/eso1719a.jpg

It's a 1.3GB image of 3 nebulae. Its resolution is 93031x35412 which makes it nearly 3.3Gpix. Yes, that's gigapixels.
Source: https://www.eso.org/public/images/eso1719a/
The original is 9.2GB.

There's also this 8.8Gpix 24.6GB Milky Way mosaic, but that's not available as JPEG in full-res: https://www.eso.org/public/images/eso1242a/

That reminds me, I need to check if there's new photos from James Webb

It's actually 126 KB

it clearly says 98.32 KB :3

Actually, it says 98.32kb. That's a big difference.

Tf is a kilobarn

What program is this? And why does it not show kilobytes for either side?

It's Termux, a terminal emulator for Android. I typed the top part, which starts qalculate (basically Wolfram|Alpha with units) and gives it the expression 98.32 kb to KB

I was expecting it to convert 98.32 kilobits to kilobytes, but it instead interpreted the 'b' to mean barns. The actual unit for a bit in qalculate is 'bit':

jokes on you, I'm on wifi

That's still data that had to be transferred, requiring a non zero amount of energy and therefore money. Someone pays for it; probably you through internet and electrical bills. Even if you have "unlimited" data, there's always a finite limit to transfer speed. You probably pay extra due to capitalism, but it would be a problem under any economic system. Innovation might lower prices, but the cost will never be zero.

Nah I'm using government school wifi, so it's taxes that we'd have to pay anyway

but now taxes go up sooner because of you

fuck you

But taxes spend on school infrastructure is nice and certainly better than spending it on murdering brown people in the middle east.

except they'll still keep spending it on that and just raise the taxes