Excuse my ignorance, but could someone explain why that tween Elon agreed with recently is considered antisemetic?

chrischryse@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 30 points –

Again, excuse my ignorance, I'm just curious since I don't really know the context and everything else I found has confused me. So I'm hoping someone might be able to explain it and give me much better context.

Article: https://www.axios.com/2023/11/16/elon-musk-antisemitic-claim-tesla-shares


It's saying that antisemitism isn't real but only in the imagination of jewish people, while it's supposed to be a fact that Jews systemiletical work on the eradication of white people, while also implying that jewish people aren't white, so boosting the Nazi argument of some white master race based on genetics.

It's also implying that jews aren't individuals but are all conspiring together.

A tweet posted by @breakingbaht on Wednesday night read: “Jewish communties have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.”

With this you can (start to) decide by yourself.

The second part of the post is not easy to understand for me. it's this :

Yeah, it’s like the second paragraph was written by a different person. Maybe he was high.

So... honest question here. The original tweeter.

Does anybody wanna take a stab at what the heck 'Dialectical Hatred' even... means?
I mean, hatred, yeah. that's obvious.
Dialectical... though is usually a method of discourse that's similar to debating- that is, two opposing view points hashing it out. (it differs some from debating, particularly in the arguments that are considered appropriate- for example, debate allows emotional arguments where dialectics doesn't)

Can't find any evidence of that being a term prior to the tweet. I'd guess one of

  • they meant something simple like 'hateful dialogue' or 'hateful diatribe', and thought it was a smart person way of saying it.
  • it's the dog whistle du jour. Somewhere on stormfront or voat they're getting terribly worked up about 'dialectical hatred' as the new current threat to the white race.
  • it's used in some niche context where it has meaning. But our tweeter thinks it's got more reach than it actually does.

He tweets a lot of things. Gonna have to link to the specific one you are curious about.