It’s currently 2-1 to the Jarvis family in the Christmas card count. They haven’t lived here for at least 12 years. to Mildly – 216 points –

I had this issue with my last address, so when I moved to my current house and started seeing mail for the previous owner as well as what I assume to be the owner before him, I immediately wrote 'No longer at this address, return to sender" on all mail that wasn't for me - even spam mail - and made a support ticket on the USPS website. I felt like it was a bit overkill, but I did stop seeing mail for other people pretty quickly.

Dunno how quick Royal Mail would be comparatively, but maybe they'd be just as effective as USPS was for me.

One year I did actually open one of the cards, but as predicted there was no return address, or even surname, so no chance of getting back to them.

So as much as putting “No longer at this address” as has been suggested would probably stop me getting the cards, the senders would never know because the cards can’t be traced back.

This way, those wishing the Jarvis’ season’s greetings year after year can continue to happily wish them well, oblivious to the fact that they lost touch over a decade ago.

The Jarvis family probably have a different opinion though, and question why they never get Christmas cards from these people despite sending their own every year. Should have given them a forwarding address then shouldn’t you? Clearly you’re not that disappointed to lose touch if you couldn’t be arsed to update them, you boring-surnamed fucks. Merry Christmas.

Ah, I didn't realize return addresses weren't mandatory in other parts of the world. I figured you just put yours elsewhere from ours on your letters when I saw the space where we usually have ours was blank. That certainly makes it difficult to resolve missent mail. I admire your ability to put a positive spin on the scenario, haha! I'm sure the senders are happier just continuing to believe their letters are being accepted and enjoyed.

It’s not mandatory in the US either

Huh, you're right. I don't think I've ever seen a piece of mail without it - I just figured it was necessary.

My mother certainly told me it was necessary as a child, but I think it was more in the "upholding the social contract" and "not being a lazy arse" sense of the word.

Try posting on public social media pages for your local country for example those notice board type pages on facebook

It's a longshot but it might work

We still get bills and charity letters for the previous owners 5 yrs later. Every one gets rts, no longer at this address, and we asked royal mail not to deliver stuff not addressed to us. Didn't make any difference

I still get the previous owners car recall letters. Man his cars had a lot of problems.

They kinda are. I did the same. The old people that used to live at the place I live at don't get their letters sent here anymore, but on occasion (once a year or less) a letter does slip by.

They also have an address redirection service if you lived somewhere and still want your mail to come to you. Never used it but I know it's there.

Have you been writing letters back? You've been given an opportunity to either forge a new friendship or become an imposter.

Sadly no. On the one occasion I did open one of the cards, there was no return address. Otherwise I’d have been going round for a plate like Jamal and Wanda on Thanksgiving.

We get annual Christmas photo and update letters from a family we never met. Come to think of it, we haven't gotten one this year. I hope they're ok. 🤔

Have you tried sending these back with "NO LONGER AT THIS ADDRESS" written clearly on both sides of the envelope?

But what if the Jarvis family do still live here, and I just can’t see them? Maybe I’m a Jarvis? 😱

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Just be lucky it's not something weird like nudes over snail mail or something that could put you in jail

What are the QR codes next to the stamp for? We don’t have these in Australia.

Probably a serial number for the stamp. In the US, you can even pay online and print your own stamp, and it uses the barcode to track when you use it, so it can't be used twice.

That’s really cool. We can’t do that in Australia, would be handy if we could!

You are right but I do sometimes see that same type of barcode stamped on some Australian letters but I'm not sure what it's used for

Those aren't QR codes like you are thinking. Its used internally by the post office.

They are used internally in post offices but they aren't exclusive to post offices

You are right but I do sometimes see that same type of barcode stamped on some Australian letters but I'm not sure what it's used for

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