Is everyone ready for the new year? to [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual – 18 points –

are you implying that there's anything to get ready for? It's just another day. Wake up every day, take a piss, wash my hands, eat some food, go to work.

Note to self: start washing hands after pissing in 2024

2020: Space plague

2021: Nutbars tried to decapitate our government

2022: Ukraine gets invaded

2023: Hamas does a 911 against Israel resulting in Gaza getting turned into a warzone, tens of thousands dead

2024: ???

Yes because I maxed out my dental insurance and had to pay in full out of pocket on my last visit for the year. There’s still a ton of work to do on my teeth and going into the new year means I get fresh new coverage. Hooray for US healthcare. /s

I'm gonna be honest... the nihilism is a bit strong this year. I'm having a hard time seeing any path towards a better situation by this time next year.

Same, but oddly hopeful. Or at least its important to keep ones ideals; can't lose your identity to the machine.

Technically not ready yet, I've got a big list of stuff to do over the holidays, but I'm working on it and it's super fun. Love this time of year when I can indulge my degenerate love of organising and making plans!

I don't ever consider myself ready for a new year. It just happens and that's that.