rule to – 349 points –

Sky...rim? Never heard of it. Assuming it's a space game since it's called Skyrim.

mfw Starfield is just a high budget and for Skyrim

Should recommend SpaceBourne 2.

Made by a single developer, yet touted in reviews as what Starfield should have been.

Wow, this looks incredible. I absolutely love seeing indie games getting recognition and love they deserve, I genuinely haven't played a AAA in years (except rdr2)

These guys are breathing their own farts 24/7, my god.

How about they fix their old ass engine for real this time and implement proper space travel instead of gaslighting people into liking their games.

You ate the onion

people who hate bethesda are the same people who couldn't read a childrens book out loud. it seems mean but with what i see online it is always true. zero reading comprehension

Skyrim is a great game. It’s a shame they can’t build off of it. Seems Starfield was a flop. I don’t even have hardware that can run it reasonable well.

I really enjoyed this game but the world exploration became tedious. I played 130 (didn't once see zero g in that time either). Hours before putting it down. I plan to go back to finish the quest lines.

So todd managed to sell skyrim again?

As it turns out. The only reason they made starfield was to get more Skyrim sales. Their one true purpose.