Rumors that Prigozhin is dead after 2 days silence to Lemmy – 2 points –

Nothing since saturday. Did he fell out a window?


Until I see BBC or Reuters or even Al Jazeera post that he's dead, I won't believe it. DailyMail is a tabloid.

Post these onto different subs mate, this is a shitposting sub (no general talk in memes) - also dailymail is shité, unsure if it is actually correct (wouldn't be suprised if he accidently slipped on a banan though)

Rumours of course, and also from a pretty poor source (Dailymail is a terrible paper)

Hey, would you mind not posting links to the Daily Mail?

It's weird, I would have thought the Daily Heil would be championing this dude, after all they are both overtly fascist!

Yeah, it's almost like they just base their position on what'll get them the most hate-clicks

Wagner chief says his march on Moscow 'was a master class' on how Ukrainian invasion should have looked

This guy continues to make Putin look like a dipshit 😀

they go halfway and then quit? That would have been better, i agree

Can't say this is surprising. Not sure why he would believed that he would be able to go into exile with no consequences. My guess was that his family was threatened, but I admittedly no nothing about Russian politics other than the joke about people constantly falling out of hotel windows.