If you go home with somebody, and they don’t have books, don’t sleep with them

tardigrada@beehaw.org to Humanities & Cultures@beehaw.org – 20 points –
If you go home with somebody, and they don’t have books, don’t sleep with them

Every book collection reflects its owner’s personality. A unique mix of gothic novels, engineering manuals, romantic poetry and cookbooks are like strands of DNA. Just as people change, book collections also evolve.


The title is in reference to some random John Waters quote and has very little to do with the post itself. A more apt title would be "I Got My Apartment Renovated: Intellectual Masturbation by The Bookshelves".

I only got eBooks. Do I show off my epub and pdf collection then?

I give books away, so I'm out.

I had a near visceral reaction reading that article when he suggested refusing people asking if they can borrow a book.

What's the point of having a library if you aren't going to share?