Github is down! to – 16 points –

The good thing with Git is, that many people have copies of the entire project history. This is a backup and people can still work on the project until servers are up again.

Git is one of those things I'm really happy is the norm rather than something worse than it.

For codebases yes. The issue I got locked out of today is Guthub’s container registry and couldn’t pull any images.

Came here to post! Beat me to it.

I think it's geography based. Works for me from the west coast (usa) but not the east. :(

Only found out because coincidentally DEVOPS IS GITHUB. So yea, I guess add another non-critical thing to the playbook.

Is this a bot account? Living up to the username for sure.

Doesn't look like a bot unless I'm missing something. Kind of a werid thing to say as a mod when it would probably be a better question to ask in private with other mods.

Was only a joke due to the nature of the post and the username being aligned; not an intentional slight.

But it would also be better that you don't get offended for others. Let them say what they want to say if they need to.

Did I say I was offended or that what you said was intentionally an insult or are you just assuming I did?

just to be clear: there's no way to turn off mod plates (it is very annoying), so unless it's contextually clear we're speaking in mod/admin contexts you should generally assume we are not doing so and are using the site like you. i think this is the issue we're running into here

Sheesh, did- I miss something in this mess of comments below?

Also, its just a fancy plate!

Is this like a kbin vs Lemmy UI issue? I do not see the admin tag next to your name.

Now that the original commenter clarified that it was intended as a joke and alyaza pointed out that there are some UI issues, I can confidently say that this was a misunderstanding on my part.

My original understanding of the comment was that, because the commenter was a moderator and I did not see how it would be a joke, the user was implying that you were a bot for some malicious purpose.

Nothing to see here but unfortunate misunderstanding.

They're the admin of, that's why they see themselves with the admin badge.

Okay but is this level of aggression necessary for what is a reasonable concern? If you could provide this explanation, why couldn't the moderator I responded to have provided it?

My concern is that, like Reddit, these kinds of things can be misconstrued simply because of the moderator symbol and that it is not conducive to an inclusive environment.

Okay but is this level of aggression necessary for what is a reasonable concern? If you could provide this explanation, why couldn’t the moderator I responded to have provided it?

i don't think you're going to get a satisfactory answer from me here, because i wouldn't really consider the response you got unusually aggressive and i don't disagree with Odo's point as a general rule. in any case: from my perspective this is an interpersonal user dispute and not a big deal and i don't see why i need to continue to intervene here past this reply. i'm only intervening at all because i want to clarify that we have literally no control over whether the mod/admin plate displays, and that accordingly users are going to have to be a bit conscientious of the context we say things in until we can toggle it or whatever.

Okay, thank you for clarifying, I'm sure you're busy so it means a lot that you replied at all.

I'll hop on just to add: the little plate that says "mod" can't be turned off, but for us community moderators we can toggle a little shield icon when we're trying to speak with the "mod voice." We can only do it in our communities, but (I think) the admin team is by default modded in every community and should be able to toggle that shield wherever they are.

So if you see the shield icon next to the name, that was intentionally toggled on to show they're trying to speak as a mod and not just a community member. If you only see the little "mod" nameplate you can probably assume they're just talking as a member of the community (unless context makes it obvious that they just forgot to turn on the shield).

Edit: Here's an example of how the shield icon looks to me from one of my posts; I'm on mobile with the darkly theme so it probably looks different to you unless you're also on mobile, but hopefully still a useful example:

a screenshot showing the mod shield next to my username

To respond to your edit, I do not see a mod symbol next to your name. Using Jerboa.

Yeah that makes sense, I'm not a mod in this community. If you go to one of my comments on /c/science it should display I think (although it's been a bit since I tried using Jerboa)

Well, it does make sense that UI is a bit inconsistent, especially after alyaza brought the whole mod icon thing to my attention. Not like this is a unified, centralized platform.

Agreed, and 100% correct. I'm speaking as myself here, and not as an admin or mod. In that case, I'd make sure to 'distinguish' the comment as being 'admin' posted. The comment above is my opinion and thoughts, not that of Beehaw itself.

The heck? I didn't get it at first, but I looked at this in a Lemmy instance and the OP name is different? On kbin, OP is xtremeownage. But on the original instance, their username somehow shows up as HTTP_404_NotFound, but still links as xtremeownage.

Does Lemmy have some sorta different display name vs username thing?

Their actual username is xtremeownage, which is why it still links that way, but lemmy lets users set a display name that's different from their username (in this case, HTTP_404_NotFound). Sounds like kbin doesn't respect lemmy display name settings.