rule to – 197 points –

Creative horny, I always like to find new ways to manhandle the hamcandle.

Well, technically I'm womanhandling it, but that breaks the flow of the sentence.

manhandle the hamcandle

Thank you, miss_brainfarts. for introducing me to this delightful euphemism

(or maybe it's a dysphemism... ?)

Well, I wouldn't be respecting your rights as a woman if I didn't steal your phrase and take all the credit for myself, a man. I'm sure you understand

I stole that phrase myself

Credit where credit is due: I got that phrase from AliceinWonder1and. Go check her out, she is a kiwi transgirl who plans to release videos documenting her entire bottom surgery journey. Which I think is fantastic, considering how hard it seems to be to find information from actual people who had the surgery.

oh my god the nostalgia

Yo for real, we're these from a specific site or just some random art?

They were originally from The Palace, later used on Dollz

I'm genuinely struggling to remember

Maybe it was something on Myspace?

Probably! I'm thinking it had a weird name like "Furbz" or "Bratz" but different


They originated on the palace where you could edit your avatar pixel by pixel. But there were various sites for making and sharing as well, so it grew beyond the palace for sure