Vision Pro EyeSight feature doesn't really work, argues Macworld

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 98 points –
Vision Pro EyeSight feature doesn't really work, argues Macworld - 9to5Mac

Vision Pro EyeSight feature doesn't really work, argues Macworld::Vision Pro’s EyeSight feature is something Apple has stressed as a key product differentiator over rival headsets, and as a...


This is an article about another article, some top tier journalism. They're right about the external display though. I've yet to see a positive comment about it, seems like just a weird gimmick that drains the already short battery life.

There should be some sort of law requiring that secondhand journalism should be called out. In fact, the provenance of journalism should have to be stated at the top of the article.

This has got to be peak Apple and a solution in search of a problem. You know how to fix the "human connection" problem? Take the stupid thing off when talking to someone

It literally takes like 2 seconds to lift it up to your forehead. It's literally no different than taking off headphones when someone is talking to you. I've had multiple high end earbuds and Bluetooth headphones that have had audio passthrough and while it's great for ambient sound it's terrible for hearing voices while also listening to something else. It's way better just to take them out/off, talk to someone and put them back in.

Going to take a guess that Apple realized VR isn't happening this generation, didn't want the embarrassment of canceling it, so they released it at such a high price point that only a relatively few rubes would buy it, so when they abandon it there won't be enough people to complain and make bad press out of it.

I don't think VR will ever really take off until we get sci-fi level tech, like a few decades from now. Tech companies have been trying to pitch VR for like 30 years or more now and everyone is still like "meh".

I think this would have been more ready for prime time if it had all the features of the Vision Pro but in something along the lines of smart glasses, rather than VR goggles masquerading as AR.

In the video I've seen of it, it looks terrible, like I can't imagine they actually decided to put that feature into production, it looks nothing like what they showed off in the first trailer. And even if it had looked right, it doesn't seem that great a feature to be worth the extra battery drain and cost of putting extra displays on the front. It would've been more useful to just let the users put their own image on the display, like a mask or just fake anime eyes or whatever the fuck, anything but what they ended up with. I really hope they come out with a cheaper model that just does away with that whole feature altogether.

It would've been more useful to just let the users put their own image on the display, like a mask or just fake anime eyes or whatever the fuck, anything but what they ended up with.

Giant googly eyes. The answer is giant googly eyes.

I think they were overly commited to that afterthought-idea and couldn't make it work in time. They did a lot of work doing a 3-angled led surface instead of a simple screen and just shipped what they've got at the time. That's probably why it's complicated to put there just any image not tailored to it without even more weirdness, artifacts - and Apple can't allow anything they haven't done themselves to hurt their public image. And from the photoes of it's insides, it looks like without that thing these googles could've been at least $500 cheaper.

Everyone seems to be missing the point of the external display. It’s to keep you somewhat tethered to the real world, not to look super impressive. It gives people around you enough information to know if they can see you, and if they are looking at you, that’s it’s purpose. And it does that really well from what I’ve seen. Does it look a little weird? Sure, but it’s doing what it was designed to do.

Thumbnail is weird. Why close your eyes when you have a VR headset on lol

They're probably running a meditation app and listening to the sounds.