Leap year software glitch closes fuel pumps across New Zealand

fne8w2ah@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 175 points –
Leap year software glitch closes fuel pumps across New Zealand

Someone wrote their own date library.

Don't hate the player. Hate the organization that requires several levels of justification meetings and approvals for adding any 3rd party library.

All those Kiwis better make sure their gas tanks are full before Dec. 31st. Because if the software can't handle February with 29 days, it probably ca t handle a year with 366 days either.

Why does the fuel pump need to know what date it is?

According to the article, it's the payment processing system.

I'm not sure I want a system which rolled their own date handling holding my credit card details. Wanna bet they rolled their own crypto too?

Well, I think it's not about what we want at all. It's about what they can get away with while not affecting the CEO's compensation.

We're just the livestock they harvest money from.

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Was this just cos they cross the date line first and thus the bug was fixed before anyone else had to deal with it. Plus laughs in australian