Caught myself copying my comment to the clipboard before hitting 'reply' and realized this really is the early days! to – 206 points –

I should go see if it actually posted.


The old school forum muscle memory really came back fast.

(Obligatory comment asking why you Lemmy in the shower)

Well I wouldn't Lemmy in the kitchen or near any food.

I don't know about you but my phone is waterproof for this exact reason.

I always did this on Reddit too and it saved my ass a couple of times. Especially because Reddit disallows comments that are too long. The web UI will just silently fail and your long ass comment is gone.

That was one of the advantages of using third-party clients: whenever a comment I was using Slide to write failed to post, it automatically saved a copy so that I could try again.

A long book review I wrote for my community vanished into thin air πŸ‘

Never making that mistake again

Yeah... If you're not making a shitpost, it's best to write it out in full in a notepad, save, then copy & paste πŸ˜…

What, you don't have a perfect memory of what comment you were going to leave when you were taking a shit 6 hours ago? How else are people supposed to use my software? Smh, people these days

What, you don’t have a perfect memory of what comment you were going to leave when you were taking a shit 6 hours ago?

I might remember if I forget to flush.

Pfft, just use markor to write anything longer than a paragraph.

Go on...

Markor is an app for "notes", that just happens to be fully capable of using markdown, and can handle mid length writing (up to a couple of chapters).

While it doesn't sync with its own service, you can use any syncing apps to handle that. I use foldersync on my android devices, it syncs both ways from gdrive, my nas, and the sd card on each device it can be scheduled any way you want.

But, when you know you're going to get wordy, you open markor, type away, and do it at leisure since unless the device dies totally, it'll just save where you are if you close the app. When you're done, copy/paste back into your app/site and Bob's your uncle.

I use markor because it's well coded with no bugs I can find, it's open source, and it bloody well works. Standard markdown formatting, easy exports, easy to use. It's pretty much the most reliable app I've ever used, and by far the most reliable note/writing app

I feel like comments shouldn't be a part of "optimistic updates" (showing the result before getting a response from the server)

A good client would only remove the content from the text box once it gets a successful response