Elon Musk signs onto letter pledging Tesla's commitment to China's 'core socialist values - to continue operations in the country

mainaccount@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 90 points –

The letter Elon Musk, 52, signed used language that is popular with the communist country's president, Xi Jinping.

Elon Musk has signed a letter pledging Tesla's commitment to China's 'core socialist values' as he continues his electric vehicle operations in the country.


Can we kick Muskrat out of this country? Preferably into the Pacific Ocean?

I don't see why people are confused, rich people love socialism, many of them wouldn't be in the position they're in without it.

Lmao, why are people butthurt about this? The dude’s been using cobalt mined by children for the Tesla batteries, he’s not exactly out here to be ethical or anything.

Muskrat is a greedy fuck and he will do whatever he can do to get more money.

Why the hate? Musk isn’t Politician, he’s a businessman. If China wants to change it’s political nature then it’s up to it’s citizens to make that change through protests, elections etc otherwise he is respecting the will of the Chinese government no matter how evil we think it is. The same with India, should we boycott them too since the government is corrupt?

If China wants to change it’s political nature then it’s up to it’s citizens to make that change through protests

I'm pretty sure they tried that...

If China wants to change it’s political nature then it’s up to it’s citizens to make that change through protests, elections etc

Easy for you to say, you're not the one who'll be turned to tank-mush and hosed down the drain.

this is why they call the person you’re responding to a “tankie”.

You don't see any issue with him bitching about "free speech" constantly and then pledging his support to the largest authoritarian government in the world?

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