Is there a way to check the posts you upvoted? to – 66 points –

Is there a way to see what posts you have upvoted? I was trying to show a cool thing I saw on lemmy earlier to someone but I can't seem to find a list of my past upvotes.

I tried looking in Jerbora, Summit and Liftoff (still trying out the android apps), and also on the webpage of my instance, but none of these seem to have it.

Sorry if this has been asked, Google hasn't returned anything relevant.


i don't think there's an api endpoint for that yet. the database definitely stores it, it would be doable, but it's not implemented yet in the backend

It’s what the Star icon is for … saving or bookmarking a post. Separate functionalities, which I find helpful.

But sometimes you might just want to go back to something you upvoted, without needing to save every post or comment just in case.

Yeah saving is for when you intend to come back like if you see a list of tips or a nice guide. It's not exactly the same and sometimes you save things to come back to later, then unsave when you come back to it and make use of the info. But upvotes are meant to stay.

I would wait for Sync for Lemmy 😉

Do we know when it's going to release?

Lj said "it's picking up steam, but still a way off."

If we go based on the original timeline, maybe a month?

Summit has a history page which might help. But I think you can only see posts you've visited from the app.

I would love a feature inspired from boost for reddit that automatically upvotes the post i put a star on!

Karma has no value here. It is one of the good things about Lemmy.

It's about post that you yourself upvoted. So more like saving a post.

I disagree, it does have a value in that it decides about the hierarchy of your comment/post. Your comment is the last one listed in this thread due to its upvote to downvote ratio.