Neverbrokenabone - The community for strong-boned people that never got broken. to New – 71 points –

It's a fun community. We are robust, we don't break, we drink milk. Read the sidebar for more info.




Not strong. Lucky. There's no such thing as a bone impervious to break.

Apparently you've never met one of us before ᕙ⁠(⁠⇀⁠‸⁠↼⁠‶⁠)⁠ᕗ

Kinda jealous. Broke my dominant arm on the jungle gym and wrote poorly with the other arm for months. I love milk.

Begone, brittle bones. Keep drinking melk, so that you don't shatter next time you try something your body can't overcome.

The milk propaganda community

Someone is insecure about the strength of his bones...

Or they would rather get calcium from broccoli and leave the cancers associated with mamary gland excretion food alone.

Jeez, why can't people just take things lightly and have a good laugh.

When someone expresses a concern about the underlying culture of a community:

the milk propaganda community

You respond with a personal remark that was not kind

someone is insecure

I respond with a remark that calls into question the validity of milk propaganda being a requirement

get calcium from broccoli

Then you respond

you don't know how to take a joke".

As you are the creator of the community, this display shows how you will handle the culture of your community. I don't think I want to be a part of a passive aggressive milk propaganda community.

And I'm absolutely fine with it.

This is indeed a community based on sarcasm, second-degree humor and self-mockery. I understand that it's not for everyone.

I'm astonished at how people can take futile things so seriously though.

Jeez, why can't people just take things lightly and have a good laugh.

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I always figure anyone who has never broken a bone has lived a very conservative, unexciting life.

I've flipped over my bike and fallen from various heights an unknown number of times. Stubbed toes galore. I might be a bit clumsy. Never broken a bone.

I never got the point of this sub on Reddit, outside of the joke "well guess I have to unsubscribe to never broke a bone", but maybe I'm missing something