PAC that pays Trump’s legal bills gets priority over donations to RNC at upcoming high-dollar fundraiser to politics – 215 points –
PAC that pays Trump’s legal bills gets priority over donations to RNC at upcoming high-dollar fundraiser | CNN Politics

“When the Republican Party sends its nominee they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

God, I can't wait for him to bankrupt that party out of existence. Much like Trump Casinos, Trump University, and Trump Steaks.

It’s still amazing that he had 4 casino properties bankrupted bc essentially he took too many loans out on the properties

Who has ever lost money on a casino ever? Worst fucking businessman in history

Trump university was shut down because of fraud.

How can he be directing how a PAC is using it's funds. That's, like, the one rule.

Goddammit FEC...

And how can paying his bills not be construed as income for don?

Because Republicans keep pretending that his being president once shields him from any and all liability for criminal acts forever.

Oh, they're not pretending. They know he should be in jail.

The problem is that in many of these cases, one of two things is happening (Both have been repeatedly documented): One is that Trump polls so far ahead of them in their own districts that any attempt to rein him in is literally political suicide. Attempts to do so have led to prominent members of the GOP ranging from Paul Ryan to Liz Cheney to Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romeny all choosing to leave congress rather than having the embarrassment of being primaried by a MAGA nut forced upon them, which exactly is what happened to virtually every GOP underling that tried to speak out.

The Republican party is Trump's party now. You're either in lockstep with him or will get run over by him. You will give your loyalty and get none in return. Those are your options.

The other is that Trump has successfully managed to paralyze the entire government under the threat of violence. Many have gone (anonymously) record saying they refuse to vote or speak out against him out of fear for their own or family's safety (a key reason why more Republicans didn't vote for his removal from office). Judges and DA offices have been bending over backwards to defer to Trump and not piss off his base out of fear of rioting. The specter of another January 6th looms over this election. Political and bigoted violence is up several hundred percent.

This is where we are. Those in charge have decided that allowing Trump to just run roughshod everywhere is at least less shitty than dealing with the fallout of trying to deal with him at the risk of your own or your community's safety in an attempt to hold him accountable that has almost no chance of succeeding in the first place. I'm not saying I agree with it. I'm just saying where their heads are.

Well, to be fair, the FEC is an abbreviation. In full. It is the feckless.

Isn't this a good thing?

The more GOP money spent on Trumps bills, the less is spent on the campaign. The less they spend on the campaign the worse his chances of winning?

The reason they don't care about down ballot races is because they plan to take power with violence and just install loyalists.

Ding ding ding! That's exactly what's happening here, plenty of articles are circulating about election officials leaving their posts in record numbers due to harassment/threats from right wingers. If they can't win fairly, they will most certainly attempt to win unfairly

The fact that the GOP thinks they can get away with that without an absolute fuckload of wealthy not-quite-that-insane Republicans suing both the party and Trump himself is kinda hilarious tbh

If you play Monopoly long enough, you’ll become the get out of jail free card.