Exclusive: Galaxy Watch 7 comes with a lovely surprise [32 GB storage]

FragmentedChicken@lemdro.id to Android@lemdro.id – 39 points –
Exclusive: Galaxy Watch 7 comes with a lovely surprise

The "more power efficient" part is what catches my interest. I'm really hoping for 5+ days between charges, and Google Assistant by hotword. But that's probably a bit optimistic.

There was a post a couple weeks back of next wear OS update utilizing alow power processor for compatible watches, pixel ones and Samsung ones prior have this core, more than it's currently used with battery life expected to double from it. Makes me wonder if this 50% improvement is mostly the OS update or the new processor.

I saw that. It's one of those stories where I feel like I need to see a real-life product showing improvements in real world use. I'm not saying it isn't true, but us software developers have a bad habit of squandering performance.

That's true especially with battery and real life use differs quite a bit. That being said it makes sense if they use a low power processor for 90%+ of the watches time that's gotta be a huge boost compared to anything else. Excited to see it if I get it on the OG pixel watch. I read it has the processor but article only mentioned pixel watch 2 getting it.

Doesn't that exist in the OnePlus Watch 2? The new Wear OS "hybrid interface" is the reason its advertised "100 hour battery life" is significantly better than the first one.

I have a gwatch 4 and the hardware is fine. The flaw is Google's half-assed android fork WearOS, and then the layer of Samsung software that somehow makes it worse.

You could have infinite memory and processor in there and it wouldn't solve the jank.

They didn’t have 32gb storage? It’s rare for Apple to pull ahead in terms of storage because they’re greedy fuckwits, I kind of thought Android watches had hundreds of gig at this point.

That said, what do you even use watch storage for?

Watch porn. But seriously what do you need that much storage for.

Haven't the foggiest! I have some photos on mine that rotate through as watch faces, as well as some music, some podcasts, and the audiobook I'm currently listening to - for when I leave my phone at home and opt for going with just my watch. And I still have over 20 gigs!

There isn't really much I feasibly want to put on my watch. There's a few fitness apps that cover some niche stuff that Apple's own apps don't cover. There are hydration apps, but I don't particularly need someone to remind me to drink. I'd rather die than use my watch for video consumption, and dito for anything productivity related. There's no email in the world important enough for me to warrant answering through my bloody watch.

I don't know how much my Watch 5 has, but I download my Spotify playlist to my watch so I can listen with Bluetooth headphones from my watch without needing my phone on my pocket, mostly for walking or yard work.

Yeah I’m the same. Sometimes I wanna disconnect when I go for walkies with my dog. Not bringing the phone removes distractions and the like. It’s nice.

I was briefly interested in getting a smartwatch for one specific purpose...listening to music offline without having to have my phone on me while working out. I found out how low the storage is on many of the devices and decided it wasn't for me anyway.

I genuinely didn't know it was so low on many devices. I have an Apple Watch Series 6, I got it primarily for sleep tracking back when I was burning out without realising it (I thought I just sucked at sleeping). It has 32gb, and Apple tends to really lag behind in giving their devices decent storage. Like if you want an Apple device be ready to either be content with rubbish storage, or pay 50% extra for slightly-less-rubbish. It's an absolute scam.

All in all I do like my watch, but honestly I could totally live without it too. I mostly use it for tracking fitness and setting timers, as well as the occasional "disconnected" stroll.

Yeah from my research it looks like the largest size you can find on a watch is 32GB. I noted that Apple was one of the brands with 32GB and it did surprise me as well.

But my current Spotify downloads total 20GB and I only wanted to wear it while trying to work out so I decided against it anyway. I wouldn't want to wear it to work because I work in a gross environment. And so I don't really have a need for it.

It sounds to me like you just need a good old fashioned MP3 player. Are those still around?

Well not really. I wanted it specifically for listening to offline Spotify music while working out. On my phone, I'm using a couch to 5K app which tells me when to walk vs run. And my phone has a pedometer that counts my steps. Can't really do that with a basic mp3 player. And I wanted to use a watch instead of my phone so I don't have to deal with holding my phone or anything while running. Plus I specifically wanted Spotify offline play, which not every basic device can do.

I ended up just buying a belt to hold my phone and keys while running.

Ah yeah, so the fitness tracking stuff too. Well, maybe in the long run we'll see more storage!

The battery life is the main reason I haven't upgraded my OG Galaxy Watch

Let me guess; more features that are "you must have a Samsung phone to use this".

Damn, I'm pissed about that on my Watch 6, I don't get to use BP and ECG features that I paid for.

Wait the galaxy watch only had 16 gigs of storage until this new model? The Apple watch has had 32 since the series 5, and the series 9 is apparently 64.