Julian Assange wins temporary reprieve from extradition to US

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 163 points –

not be entitled to rely on the First Amendment right to free speech as a non-U.S. national and that, while none of the existing charges carried the death penalty, he could later be charged with a capital offence such as treason

So he's not a US Citizen and yet get charged with treason?

Obviously, exposing American war crimes is treason regardless who commits it.

And again I will say that America's hypocrisy on whistleblowers is stupid beyond belief. In books and movies whistleblowers are cheered on, but in rl they are vilified beyond compare.

And no matter where you are, or where you have citizenship, we will extradite you to the US and execute you!

That is the UK court’s concern, but I don’t see how he could possibly be convicted of that in the US given he’s not an American national. Sounds like the UK court just wants assurances he will not face any capital charges regardless of how flimsy the charges may be.

It's like any other country. When you set feet on US ground you are under US law. All the laws. Doesn't matter if you are a foreign national or not.

Edit: if any of you travel internationally you would know this. At least I hope you would.

Assange was never in the US when he leaked the documents.

That doesn't matter. Charges are in a sealed indictment. I doubt they have anything to do with his publication. He helped Chelsea Manning hack into a US military server. That's esponge and computer theft. But, it is not known what the charges are because they are sealed.

It does though. As someone who isn't a US citizen, resident or visitor, he isn't subject to US laws.

What he is subject to is the laws of the country he was residing in, and any extradition treaties they have with the US. What he allegedly did was a crime there too, which is important as most countries will not extradite if what the subject did wasn't criminal in both countries, if they were still in the request-recipient country at the time.

No, if he is extradited he answers the charge. If he is in a country that has a prior charge then the respective justice departments work out who has priority. In this case he was already charged in Britan before being indicated in the US with extradition requested

To my knowledge, Carlisle v. United States establishes that non-U.S. citizens are beholden to US treason laws only if and during the time that they resided within the US which I believe Assange never has. I’m positive other charges will apply to him but I’m specifically talking about capital offenses.

I don't believe treason is applicable. But, it's not unusual for some countries, Britain included, to question US charges on extradition. They don't believe in the death penalty. Since the indictment is sealed, they don't know.

The issue I had with WikiLeaks is that it wasn't a Wiki, despite its name. You couldn't edit it, which is the fundamental point of a Wiki!

It's because is doesn't come from the wiki of Wikipedia, but from the wiki from Hawaiian language that means fast, it had fast leaks.

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may god have mercy on his soul

he helped to show more of the evil these people are capable of

I have never understood why Assange did not take a direct flight to China right after doing what he did, at least there he could have had a happy life