What do you feel optimistic about?

moosh@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 78 points –

The future of Lemmy and the eventual demise of sheddit.

Yes, I secretly love watching reddit burn, especially after all the time I put into it. I used to moderate years ago, I would hate to be a mod today, definitely a labor of love though.

Dunno if that will happen but Lemmy has been great so far!

A general shift in the way culture regards capitalism; billionaires suck and so does aspiring to become one, companies are mostly managed by psychopaths that would do anything for profit, the political system we have is not a true democracy, irresponsible profit seeking is polluting the world, etc. A Few years ago (just before covid) some people would argue this points weren't true, nowadays is taken as a fact.

I'm optimistic because the system of indoctrination is falling, soon enough the new efforts of indoctrination will fall too (political polarization, false information, doomerism, etc)

I agree with you on all points. Sure hope you’re right but there’s A LOT of stupid and gullible folks out there.

God, I hope you're right about Doomerism, it's some of the most depressing indoctrination out there.

The next generation. They seem to be standing up for themselves more, they're speaking up about their issues, they're refusing to just roll over and be obedient little wage slaves. Millenials like me might be beyond hope, but the next generation gives me hope.

I echo this sentiment so much. A lot of folk my age or older like to place the blame on the younger ones for issues beyond their control (like generations before them lol) but I do see the younger ones being a lot more outspoken about issues. I feel like its up to us older generations to ensure that they can actually achieve those dreams and make a change, rather than just blindly criticizing them.

Maybe it's just the young people I know, but the people I know in their late teens (nieces, nephews etc) are all genuinely good people - better than I was.

They're certainly far more aware and supportive of each other than I ever was twenty years ago.

September for some reason I feel like September is gonna be good.

I'm saving this comment and if something happens in September I'll come back to blame you!

I was going through my old comments and realized I had commented on this earlier.

How's September going so far?

Optimism and hope are in short supply overall but I am excited about riding this wave of bringing the internet back to its original decentralized roots and goals. The internet was never intended to be dominated by 5 or 6 mega corporations

Airbnb eating shit. Airbnb has really fucked up the housing market, everyone's realizing it's a sham and the practice has about as much public goodwill as Ticketmaster.

I think everyone's getting more wary of this exploitative bullshit in general and people are getting more fluent in boycotting, protesting and making noise. I truly, truly cannot wait for the streaming service ecosystem collapse too.

I think in essence, streaming is ok. I don’t mind paying for content. Having to pay for content and watch ads though? That there’s some BS.

What makes you think the streaming service ecosystem will collapse?

IMO: streaming services are serving narrower selections of content, becoming more restrictive with account sharing, becoming more expensive. Its becoming unusually frustrating to find the streaming service that has your favorite show on it because the licenses change hands over and over again as these streaming services spread and metastasize. It's hot garbage.

I'm conflicted on Airbnb. Their product really is superior to corporate hotel chains and they've opened up areas previously unserved by traditional hotels. In my city corporate landlords, foreign investors, and disinvestment in public housing seem to be much bigger problems than Airbnb.

There's going to be some good albums released in the future.

Very true! Bands you’re looking forward to hearing new music from?

Elon Musk will be a lot poorer five years from now, and that makes me happy.

This video from Kurzgesagt gave me general optimism about the future.

I thought you were going to link this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxgMdjyw8uw which is the one that gives me optimism

That one is good too. I think it was the idea we kill less of each other than we used to that gives me some hope.

That was good, thank you for sharing!

Proprietary social networks that exploit users' rage and addiction-prone personalities crashing and burning.

The end of the world seems to be coming sooner and sooner ad that means I won't have to work for 30 more years when I retire.

I think society is changing, for sure. If that turns into a total collapse, we’ll have to wait and see…

Was going to say "I'm optimistic we will fuck up every attempt at combating climate change."

If we do, it will be because people shrug their shoulders and go home instead of actually doing something about it because that's the easy option. We don't have to sit and quietly await death. I have kids and want better for them. I'm okay to change my lifestyle.

Let's fuck up some corporations.

I'll be voting for the party with the most extreme climate policy, in the hopes that we get at least the watered down version actually legislated

I'm optimistic about my city. It's not perfect but we've had substantial political victories recently, growing demand as well as some investment in better cycling / public transit infrastructure, and great existing amenities. We have a ton of diversity and affordable neighborhoods.

Attempting to use privateGPT to help me learn more of the CS curriculum using new hardware that should arrive next week. And if I fail, there's plenty of power to dabble in the dark side of stable diffusion...before plugging it into Blender and continuing to expand my CAD skills.