Trump wants classified documents trial delayed until after 2024 election to politics – 152 points –

I can't win the case, so give me a shot at pardoning myself once I'm president. --Trump

Not giving a defendant the chance to be president and pardon themselves is a miscarriage of justice! -- His supporters

I am invoking the "I could be president" precedent, your honor. Please delay my trial until after the next election. -- Guy arrested for being an idiot in a few months.

He wasn't being an idiot, he was committing crime.

When we laugh at him, you minimize how dangerous he was & is. He stole classified docs, probably sold state secrets, and endangered lives of US agents.

it very well could have led to several deaths but its not the sort of thing that would even be publicised for obvious reasons

This judge will probably grant it, honestly. I imagine we’ll start seeing more rulings going Trump’s way in the future. She is so deep in Trump’s pocket it’s really not going to be a fair trial.

Yup. It's part of why they stacked the courts. Republicans know a lot of the shit he does and has done so it's their way to protect him as much as possible.

I wouldn't be surprised if she throws it out on some obscure technicality that isn't a technicality but she convinced herself it is.

The GOP didn't start packing the courts just for Trump. It's been their priority for decades. They know their agenda is not favorable to the average voter so they've been trying to govern via the courts, and what do you know, it's worked.

And it's why they get people basically right out of law school. Quality of candidates don't matter. Allegiance to the cult and being young is all they care about

Good point. It's their way of changing America from a democracy to a theocratic autocracy.

And it's why they get people basically right out of law school. Quality of candidates don't matter. Allegiance to the cult and being young is all they care about

Because people who are charged with the Espionage Act should be given extra time to run their Presidential campaign, their criminal activity can be held accountable later.