Ron DeSantis under pressure as Florida malaria cases spread to politics – 155 points –
Ron DeSantis under pressure as Florida malaria cases spread

Like he gives a shit.

For real. If I learned nothing in the last few years is that people will still vote for their side no matter what. Just don’t let THEM win.

Countdown to "malaria is a Biden Fake Disease™©®! Fire Fauchi! My guy can't do anything wrong, it's the world that's wrong! Fake Disease!"

So, hydroxychoroquine is a recognized treatment for malaria, and ivermectin can slow its spread. So what ineffective quackery will Floridians decide to use instead?

"Demand for COVID-19 Vaccines Surge Amongst Malaria Outbreak"

"Zero Malaria Cases Reported After Desantis Bans Malaria Testing"

To be under pressure you'd have to care. He doesn't.

But wouldn't a meaningful response require empathy and situational awareness?

The advocates of small government only change their tune when they are hit by a real crisis. Then they realise that government is a good thing.