Decided to play this game for once. to – 72 points –

such a good game. I can't wait to play the remake with my daughter this winter. I'd play the OG with her but her tolerance of 1990s graphics is... limited

I feel you there. It’s a bit off-putting to me too, and I lived and breathed SNES as a kid. I’ve played through SMRPG a couple of times on emulators over the years but as TVs and monitors got higher and higher definition the age of the graphics starts to show more and more. I’m super excited about the remake and will definitely play it with the kids.

Is this Mario RPG? I player the first few hours when I was a wee lad but never beat it. Always wanted to get back to it, but never did. Always wanted to check out the Bioware sonic RPG, too.

Edit: for some reason I cannot reply to anyone who responded to this here's the link to the sonic game:

There's a remaster (of Mario RPG) coming out in a few months that looks very faithful. Very stoked.

1 more...

I love this game so much. I hope they kept the Square boss. I hope they updated the tadpoles. I can't wait to play it again! I can't wait for Booster's Tower! Aaaaa!