Trump’s Brain Is Not Okay to politics – 161 points –

While for many it’s obvious how serious Trump’s declining mental capacity has become, for too many Americans that reality has not yet broken through. The media continues to treat Trump like a normal candidate; many Americans have baked Trump’s bizarre behavior into their perceptions of him; and many take right-wing lies about Joe Biden’s mental fitness at face value.

Given this, we wanted to hear from John Gartner, founder of Duty To Warn, a group of mental health professionals who have been raising the alarm about Trump’s increasingly sociopathic behavior since 2017. Now in 2024, Gartner has an even more dire warning about Trump: that there are increasing signs the former president is heading fast down the road toward dementia.


Gartner has an even more dire warning about Trump: that there are increasing signs the former president is heading fast down the road toward dementia.

Not fast enough. He's going to need to be in a wheelchair drooling and unable to talk before anyone in the right concedes that there may be an issue.

He's going to need to be in a wheelchair

He’s never liked exercise, just like many of his fellow Americans. Man of the people!


He’s got someone to wipe up the drool, that’s job creation!

and unable to talk

He’s the strong, silent type!

before anyone in the right concedes that there may be an issue.

I don’t know if this will happen, unless he loses too many elections (??) and they suddenly drop him like a sack of hammers.

He's going to need to be in a wheelchair drooling and unable to talk

Ronald Reagan says "Do you know who I am? No really, I don't have a clue."

Here's the thing - Trump has always been a high extroversion, low agreeableness, reward-seeking narcissist (that article is from 2016). Here's magician Penn Jillette talking about his experience with Trump on 2 seasons of Celebrity Apprentice (in 2012) and why he thinks Trump's personality makes him a terrible choice for President (definitely watch it, it's 90 seconds of Penn slaying Trump). So sometimes it's hard to tell if Trump is being combative and illogical because he's progressing towards dementia or if it's just his personality which has been awful for as long as it's been recorded. He's the real-world embodiment of the quote by Douglas Adams:

  • “In other words - and this is the rock-solid principle on which the whole of the Corporation's Galaxywide success is founded - their fundamental design flaws are completely hidden by their superficial design flaws.” ― Douglas Adams, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

I believe the tell is in the degradation of his speech, both written and verbal.

This is probably WHY the more sane GoP is putting up with his shit - They hope he'll become a barely functioning puppet for them

Now where have we heard this one before? Only difference here is one wanted to tear down a wall, the other wants to build one.

Now where have we heard this one before? Only difference here is one wanted to tear down a wall, the other wants to build one.

Obviously. I don't even wanna know what his sick bastard of father did to him. Don't get me wrong, no empathy here, just emphasising that some shit must have happened down the line. His parents weren't mentally same either.