Nintendo blitzes GitHub with over 8,000 emulator-related DMCA takedowns to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 232 points –
Nintendo blitzes GitHub with over 8,000 emulator-related DMCA takedowns

WTF - Rest in peace... I hope no one has to pay any legal fees. Wish you all the best!


I hope this doesn't spread out towards other emulators just as a matter of "principle" (by Nintendo's definition)

This is why I keep a physical backup of all my emulator installers on an external hard drive. They get rid of some emulators, I still got my personal copies!

Yeah I've been playing Pokemon Sacred Gold on my phone, really gives me GBC pipes with the size and everything it's like childhood all over.

I have the emulator and the games on my pc and my phone though so fuck Nintendo.

I'm playing a 15 year old game someone improved upon that I already owned on hardware I can't buy anymore.

Yeah totally worried for Ryujinx. I don’t see how they can survive.

If Nintendo stays consistent, they went after Yuzu because they were accepting donations. They went after ROM sites that had advertising. They left everyone else alone if they aren't making money off their games. Right now Ryujinx has a Patreon page...

Torrents people.

Say, anyone want a yuzu magnet

I don't give a rat's dick about Nintendo and their shitty games and I will torrent it out of pure spite

Send me the link

Can't put file on Lemmy,


Idk if it still works

Thoughts on Forgejo? Heard about that one for selfhosting git

Is there a p2p based equivalent?

I don't even know how would that work, but seems something that would fit here.

I mean, the alternative is Ryujinx, which Nintendo has for some reason ignored for now.

(Ryujinx's devs are much more cautious about things like banning any references to piracy in their discord and avoiding anything that could look like getting money in exchange for access, both of which may have given them less legal exposure.)

Here's a link to an instance of radicle for Yuzu. It's a p2p git server implementation. I haven't looked too much into it yet, but the tech seems interesting.

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As the article mentions, they're releasing the Switch successor soon. I suspect the real reason for this push is to try and scare people off from developing an emulator for that one, at least during the lifetime of the console - it's a bit late to try and kill Switch emulation given that nearly fully-functional emulators already exist.