Setup for Android Studio to Programmer – 374 points –

Fucking lol

This is what teenage me thought I'd be doing as an adult.

Instead, I just use a MacBook w/ Apple Silicon and it runs cold AF.... ....almost... too cold. Ahhh, that cold metal on my legs...

My neighbour has one, runs great until we get our month of summer heatwave, then it thermal throttles and he stryggles to get work done. They should have had a fan option.

1 more...

If you take air from the outside, with a high enough temperature difference to your room temperature, be aware of condensation problems.

In, out, and ???

It's very hard to tell, but I'm guessing the middle one is gpu exhaust. So two outs, one in

Why does it need to be a different third option?

Just like in sex, two holes can serve as input/output 😅

Only 2 holes for sex?? This guy is clearly a verified programmer

What's the right answer? XD

7 for men, 8 for women. Which is the total number of holes a human has from a topological standpoint.

Looks like HVAC in in the top left and then GPU out and case fan out.