game rule to – 217 points –

lemmy thread of three comments. "FUCK" to which another user replies "the game?" the last comment is "FUCK!" again but now with an exclamation mark


It's about nostalgia friend. I was introduced as a kid and I will never stop playing the game till I die I guess.

I have a simple solution to this: I am not playing the game.

Games are necessarily voluntary, otherwise they're something else. Just because someone wrote in the rules of the game that everyone is playing doesn't make it true.

Just because you say you're not playing doesn't make it true!

Yes it does according to the principle of voluntary participation.

If you have a different principle you want to propose that explains how a person - or all people - can be forced into playing a game just because someone said so, then we can discuss it.

counterpoint: life is a one big game and nobody was asked if they want to participate

As long as we don't accept your loose metaphor as reality then no, life isn't a game.

true lol, not really my metaphor though, it's rather popular

This was trippy seeing my username in a meme.

Also thanks I lost again cause of this..

I'm going to tag you in next time I lose the game.