Sun through a wildfire haze yesterday evening. to – 740 points –

This haze has been destroying my sinuses. Last night I had to sleep with my mouth wide open. Definitely swallowed a spider or too.

And maybe even a dick.

Hate it when I accidently swallow a spider or dick while sleeping. It has happened way too many times.

"Dude! What were you doing last night bro? Your breath smells like spider dick!"

The spider thing is actually a myth, spiders don't just crawl down your mouth while you sleep. On the other hand, the dick thing is definitely true.

Spiders Georg origin story right here

โ€œThe Blood Moon rises againโ€

For two particular days, the sun never even set, it just.. disappeared before it got to the horizon

It confused me the first time, since I didnโ€™t pay attention to the sun that time

I wonder if an image like this, perhaps a sign of hope in the smoky sky after a nighttime battle, was the inspiration for the flag of Japan.

Reminds me of the Camp fire in CA a few years ago. I was down wind at the time (thankfully safe). That was one of the things that had opened my eyes to just how badly humans have fucked over the planet.

Are you talking about 2018? I was in the Bay area for Thanksgiving and it was so eerie.

Now I wait for someone that will tell us to not stare at it or you will damage your eyes.

No the best way is to use and eye dropper w/ bleach. It will lighten them up considerably!

/s don't try this kids!