Moms for Liberty accuses schools of antisemitism. The irony is rich. to politics – 246 points –
Moms for Liberty accuses schools of antisemitism. The irony is rich.

schools started becoming factories for little activist social justice warriors.

Why does education turn people progressive?

Reality has a well known liberal bias.

I knew liberals were biased, thanks for confirming it.

Towards reality.

It’s still a bias.

Yeah but it’s like, the one you want. It’s like having a bias towards Justice or fairness. Having no bias even towards reality is like spinning a roulette wheel to find your opinion

Because conservatism as an ideology involves doing nothing and assuming you will remain the best.

Incremental improvement is literally the entire basis of education, that's how you learn. Once you get into that cycle, it's just fuckin' obvious.

That’s a very optimistic view of conservatism. They don't want to stay the same, they want to go back in time.

Generally, the conservatives trying to "go back in time" are just returning to what they know. Either they lived in a time like that (because so many politicians these days are fucking geriatric), or the household they grew up in was structured that way.

Yes, there are a decent number of malicious fucks and grifters, too, but I like to give groups the benefit of the doubt. They're too lead-poisoned to know any better.

When you see what humans can do, it really encourages a perspective that pushes against people that say humans can't.

The person you replied to was not asking in good faith.

Oh but I am.

Conservatives try to limit what can be taught and the amount of education because their beliefs don’t hold up well to well educated critical thinking individuals.

Can you explain that a little more?

I don't get what you're saying because it's too vague.

Not really because I'm not being serious. But at high levels of education that aren't in business, it's because education roots belief in the scientific method and scientific evidence. For the humanities, it teaches a more rigorous form of thinking based still based on evidence and logical thinking patterns.

The way modern conservatives think is very illogical. It feigns a sort of logic but it's really easy to identify as anything but

It’s a conspiracy on the highest order. The elites wanna turn your kids against you. It’s definitely not that you have shitty views.

I’d argue that it takes more education to support and participate in leveraging a system through systemic oppression and exploitation of those fiscally beneath you. It takes immersive learning to override natural empathy for our fellow humans. It’s just not the type of education that’s provided in school.

"Moms" for liberty was founded in part by a dude in New Jersey that was up on charges for sexual assault, and another founder in Florida, a couple, the husband of which was credibly charged (and I believe pled out) to criminal sexual conduct...

That organization? The same one that the Southern Poverty Law Center has designated as a hate group? Let me see how many fucks I can find to give about what they have to say...

Yeah, but the right (along with bothsiderist helpers all along the spectrum) has been demonizing SPLC as being invalid, corrupt, biases, etc...for a very long time now, so a lot of people now respond to any mention of SPLC with more or less: "Oh yeah? Well, SPLC are the real racists!"

I thought I could forget about these bigots after the one was undone by the sex “scandal” of fucking another woman with her husband. No such luck, I guess.

Well see, the Nazis were banning all those books because they were about trans science. Which also simultaneously didn't exist until 2014.

I bet they are deliberately confusing anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism to make it more publicly dramatic.

I mean the radicalized right wing and the "liberal media" have been doing that for decades, why stop now?

LOL, Moms for Liberty.

Not one of these fascists gives a toss about "liberty".