Alabama follows DeSantis' lead in banning lab-grown meat to – 137 points –
Alabama follows DeSantis' lead in banning lab-grown meat

It would be one thing if they really were banning it due to health concerns. But that's not why they are doing it. It's about money as it is the only thing they care about. Someone is paying them to prevent competition. So much for free enterprise. Also, to own da libs.

They'll change their mind once lab meat eventually becomes a tenth of the cost with ten times better taste than the real thing.

I doubt it'll ever taste as good as the real thing, but I can certainly see it eventually being cheaper if we ever cut out the massive subsidies.

It doesn't really need to be as good as a steak. If you can get it good enough to be used as an ingredient, like as ground beef, for stewing, or steak tips, then that's a huge part of all beef production.

Of course, a lot of those kinds of beef happen because they're already not good enough for steak, but it's something.

There are also many more types of meat than beef.

And they are analogous such as with whole chicken breast in chicken parmigiana and shredded chicken in chicken salad. Beef was just a concrete example.

If they can fine-tune the ratio and distribution of fat/muscle it could very well be the most delicious meat ever eaten, but that's a big If that will take years (probably decades) of research.

However I can absolutely see it becoming cheaper with a couple years of streamlining the process.

There's more to flavor and texture than just the ratio of fat to lean, not to mention the color. Consider farmed vs. wild-caught fish (especially salmon), pastured vs. caged chicken, grass vs. corn-fed beef, etc.

Fighting the good fight against the most insidious of imagined enemies.

Another free market Republican.

I can't wait until it turns out that they can grow lab-grown meat that tastes better than the finest Wagyu beef and people go up north to eat it.

I thought government regulations were bad. Hang on, are these fellows not being genuine about that?

One of the states with shortest life expectancy banning something that may help their health or environment. What a surprise.

Can we ban republicans? They're more of a health threat than lab grown meat.

Unfortunately, recent Supreme Court rulings would seem to put the kibosh on my "the Confederacy is coming from inside the house" theory of outlawing the GOP as a whole for seditious conspiracy.

Damn those DEMONcrats wanting to over-regulate everything and stifle innovation! Small government forever! Er, hold on-


With politics (especially the GOP), it's the opposite of Hanlon's razor -- Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice.

These fuckers are shooting for some combination of harming an outgroup, or profiting from corruption. They're not idiots, they're evil. They act like idiots because that's what their base finds relatable.