Biden Says He Was Still VP During COVID and Obama Sent Him to ‘Fix It’ to politics – -91 points –
Biden Says He Was Still VP During COVID and Obama Sent Him to ‘Fix It’

What a completely bullshit article. Yes, there was a pandemic during Obama's presidency - swine flu - and though it wasn't as bad as COVID, it was bad and we were worried it would be worse. So the administration created a pandemic playbook, which was left in place for Trump. Of course, Trump ignored it and even disbanded offices that formed a part of the response team.

So Biden was completely accurate and it's The Daily Beast who has memory issues, not him.

You've already lost. The poster is intentionally spreading misinformation. What matters is that the headline gets read, the association that Biden is incompetent gets triggered, and a voter sits out or votes for the other guy by default when the time comes.

A fact-filled refutation only matters if the reader cares about facts and will adjust their views based on them. But the target audience of the article couldn't care less.

Biden then said, “And what happened was, Barack said to me, ‘Go to Detroit, and help fix it.’" This is way too deep in the nettles for me to remember or even google; do you have any idea whether that trip to Detroit was about the pandemic, or (like TBD seems to think) about the recession?

God I hate sites like the dailybeast. The qoute in the article is "And when I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic". However, Biden was VP during a pandemic - Swine Flu Pandemic. I wouldn't be surprised if he made a gaffe like this, but their own article doesn't support the headline.

Yeah, the gaffe is just not recognizing that "the pandemic" means COVD now, not "whichever pandemic was happening when my story takes place". Not a good sign for the sharpness of the old presidential noggin, but not "lost in time and jumbling events".

Holy shit, guy with a stutter and a long and storied history of misstatements and malapropisms says something incorrect. News at 11:00, folks!

Holy shit, guy with a stutter and a long and storied history of misstatements and malapropisms says something incorrect. News at 11:00, folks!

It's more like following breadcrumbs to the edge of a cliff.

If you don't look up and look around, and see the whole picture, and instead just continue to follow the breadcrumbs, you'll fall down into the chasm.

Mental cognitiveness is a valid thing to judge someone by, when you're voting for them.

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There were two viral outbreaks during Biden's term as VP: H1N1 in 2009 and Ebola in 2014. At no point does the article quote Biden as mentioning COVID. The article doesn't even attribute what event they're quoting from.

At some point, you need to recognize that focusing on stupid gaffes is a great way to distract from the draconian policies the fascists are gearing up to shove down our throats. Waste of fucking time and intellect.

He was Vice President for eight years. He's been President for less than four. Sometimes, I accidentally refer to myself as a support engineer, even though I haven't been one for years, because I was one for a long time. Misstatements happen - especially when you're talking about a guy with a stutter and a history of talking before his brain has caught up.

Let it go, guys. The "he's got dementia" shit didn't land in 2020, and it's not gonna land now.

He’s also 81 now, which he wasn’t in 2020. Dude is not getting and sharper, you don’t need to apologize for him.

I'm not. He has a clean bill of health from his medical team, and of the two serious candidates running, he's not the one whose doctors had him take a cognitive assessment.

Again, let it go. Biden doesn't have a family history of dementia, and it's unlikely he's going to develop it before he dies. Stop trying to turn misstatements into a diagnosis, Dr. Lemmy.

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