Oliver Anthony and the Incoherence of Right-Wing Populism

psychothumbs@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 87 points –
Oliver Anthony and the Incoherence of Right-Wing Populism

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The pain is coherent. They blame politicians which is correct. But they fail to see it’s the system that perpetuates the problems. Then project their misery on minority groups and the disadvantaged. Oliver sings-

“So they think you don’t know. But I think that you do.”

But they don’t. And that’s the problem.

He also blames "welfare queens." And calls them fat.

I like fudge rounds. And I’m not fat or on welfare. Checkmate ginger. Lol

He says we have a bunch of people starving, and we have programs to help, but instead of helping, he sees the programs being abused.

Do you not think these programs are being abused? Have you been to the south where poverty and obesity are at insane rates?

Also, it's hilarious how he can touch on 20 issues that every one of us agree with, but the left hyper-focuses on one line they don't like, because he just looks like a hillbilly trump supporter to y'all.

"Also, it's hilarious how he can touch on 20 issues that every one of us agree with, but the left hyper-focuses on one line they don't like, because he just looks like a hillbilly trump supporter to y'all."

That's sorta the problem of right wing populism dude. Yeah, many of the issues pointed out in the song are legitimate and need to be addressed but how he tacks on "welfare queens" is trying to shift the blame onto people have nothing to do with your own hardships. That family getting $400 a month in food stamps is not the reason everything sucks right now.

“welfare queens”

Where are you quoting this from? You aren't quoting it from the song, because he didn't say it. It's you quoting some left wing talking point.

Look at the lines, he says there are people dying of starvation, because the welfare we're supposed to receive is being misallocated. Have you ever been to the rural south?

That family getting $400 a month in food stamps is not the reason everything sucks right now.

Yeah, we all know that. And he didn't blame them.

"Lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothin' to eat And the obese milkin' welfare"

Misremembered the line but regardless, still sure sounds like he's blaming them.

The song title is 'Rich men north of Richland' - it's about how the politicians are fucking up America - both inner city and rural America.

That is the underlying theme for the song, so him saying people are starving while there are some milking the system doesn't make sense. Increase welfare, or fix it, help those that need it.

Trust me, I really really wish he didn't have that line, because he talks about so many bigger issues that the left agrees with, but now they can just discredit this redneck hillbilly as being an alt right industry plant. But i feel even if that line wasn't in the song, that y'all would bitch about him calling out epstein and just say he's a Qanon freak.

Yeah but that's stupid. The people who talk like this guy and the people who relate to the song constantly vote against their own interests. Got people living in trailer parks wanting to cut taxes on billionaires.

I listened to his song before I knew anything about him, and I was into it until that point, but yeah, when you make a song about rich people exploiting you, but then spend half the song talking about the much less impactful issue of poor people wasting their government-issued money on junk food, your message stops being effective.

It's like stubbing your toe and breaking your arm at the same time, and complaining just as much about both.

but then spend half the song

Once again, hyperfocusing on one line is not 'half the song' and when you put it in context, he's simply saying that those people that need welfare aren't getting it, while others are abusing the system. It's not just about making laws to help poor people, it's about ensuring that it gets to the people that need it.

He is redirecting anger that rightfully should be aimed at the overclass to the underclass. The underclass is not causing his problems. It is the overclass.

Education folks... education. Prime example here why it is so, so important to be able to think critically.

Have you taken the time to look into why there's such an obesity problem? It sure seems like the singer hasn't, otherwise he wouldn't be denigrating poor people for being obese.

EBT doesn't pay much and the cheaper foods are chock full of terrible ingredients that tend to lead to obesity. It's not easy to afford good fruit, vegetables, grains, etc when you've got a small amount of money that has to stretch a lot.

If it weren't for the myth of the welfare queen we might be in a better place to provide for people in need. And there will ALWAYS be people in need in a capitalist society. It's how it works.

Honestly, a bit of empathy and understanding would go a long ways for people so upset about people on welfare.

I can't even see you but I can tell you look like a "hillbilly trump supporter" too.

But I said a bunch of stupid uniformed shit about politics on Facebook even though I have no education or experience in policy or law, and got a bunch of likes!

That's the same as being an expert! /s

Dunning-Kruger needs an update to account for social media. Like, above the "peak of Mt. Stupid" there is a "summit of dumbasses" who get all their validation and education from social media engagement.

Then project their misery on minority group

Where did this happen? You're just making this up.

You proved my point.

Can you quote where he's blamed minorities for his issues with poverty, and addiction?

Oh shit. You’re right. I’m a conservative now too. Thanks.

You're the only one bringing in conservative/liberal ideologies. We talk about it on reddit/lemmy all the time, in our society it's rich vs poor. This is a poor man seeing issues around him, that we all see too. That poverty is rampant, addiction to deal with it is rampant, we're working too many hours, we aren't getting paid enough, and from what we do get paid 25% goes to Uncle Same, while the people in Washington and their buddies pay 10%. Are these not the issues you see, too?

You see this redneck hillbilly bitch about the issues in the U.S. and you just chalk it up to him being a conservative. That furthers our divide and helps the people he's attributing the issues to: Rich men North of Richmond.

He’s being paraded and propped up by conservative media. If he’s not conservative, he must be a spy.

He’s being paraded and propped up by conservative media.

It's a bluegrass song that talks about issues throughout America. Is Mr. Gambino's "This is America" inherently left wing because it was huge amongst left wing circles? Does this make Mr. Glover a left wing spy?


Hey man, as a big Childish fan, that's pretty messed up. He's not a leftist spy, he's just a talented musician talking about issues that he's seeing around the country.

He's also correct about what he's seeing and understanding.

Redneck guy might see obese people on welfare, but his conclusion is not correct. In fact it's stupid.

the left hyper-focuses on one line they don't like, because he just looks like a hillbilly trump supporter

And you think the other guy is the one bringing ideology into the discussion?

Well, why doesn't he blame the origins of his and his kinds poverty to the ones responsible? The abusive, union-busting employers and big corprorations? Because that would actually be honest and understandable. Deflecting the issue to social program recipients just shows lack of understanding how things REALLY work. Also it highlights the importance of a decent education. - Which in the rural Americas seems all but dead. - By design of course (gop).

"Lord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothin’ to eat

And the obese milkin’ welfare

Well, God, if you’re 5-foot-3 and you’re 300 pounds

Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds"