iFixit Tears Down McDonald's McFlurry Machine, Petitions Government for Right to Hack Them

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 1104 points –
iFixit Tears Down McDonald's McFlurry Machine, Petitions Government for Right to Hack Them

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Unrelated to the topic but has anyone else noticed the quality of the soft serve has gone down dramatically in the last several years. I got a ice cream cone and it didn't even taste good. I was looking at their advert for a Mcflurry and it looked all ice crystally and not good at all. If they can't even make the picture look good that is saying something.

Healthy, Fast&Cheap, or Delicious. Pick 2.

I think it's more like

Healthy, Fast, Cheap, Delicious

Pick 2

Cooking at home bumps that up to a 3.

Cooking at home ain't really fast, not compared to a fast food joint at least.

But you get healthy*, cheap** and delicious*** food

*YMMV depending on food choices

**YMMV depending on ingredients and quality

***YMMV depending on cooking skills

I'm no expert or anything, but I don't think you're supposed to cook ice cream..

Let's be honest it's pick one and another may or may not be randomly picked for you.