Haley: The Senate is the ‘most privileged nursing home in the country’

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Haley: The Senate is the ‘most privileged nursing home in the country’

GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley on Thursday called the Senate “the most privileged nursing home in the country.”

In response to a question about Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) apparently freezing up on Wednesday while taking questions in Covington, Ky., Haley said on Fox News that the Kentucky senator has “done some great things, and he deserves credit,” but emphasized that “you have to know when to leave.”

““No one should feel good about seeing that any more than we should feel good about seeing Dianne Feinstein, any more than we should feel good about a lot of what’s happening or seeing Joe Biden’s decline,” Haley said. “What I will say is, right now, the Senate is the most privileged nursing home in the country.”


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Joe Biden's decline? Look, I don't like having great-grandpa in the Whitehouse or Senate or Supreme Court, and I think we should have an age limit, but there's no need to invent a "decline" to make a point.

And I'd press her on naming one "great thing" McConnell has done...

Depends on perspective. If you're a fascist, that list is quite long.

This. He denied Garland to the Supreme Court. Then without a shred of shame shoved Barret through. He blatantly shat on a precedent he himself set. His supporters don't care. They think this is good.

His unwavering support for Ukraine.

Or if you want a dish that is well chilled but much spicier look no further than the Anti-Corruption Act of 1988

Look at the Sponsor, then look at the Co-Sponsor, then read the Summary. Look familiar? 😉

Sad that “one great thing” now equates to doing their fucking job.

To be fair, can you think of anything that would qualify as "one great thing" that doesn't fall under the purview of "doing their job"?

Like, I don't think the expectation is that he would have run into a burning building to save some starving orphans?

Assassinating hitler does not fall under doing their job and yet it would be a great thing to have done.

In her mind, the blocking of Merrick Garland.

I've lost all of my grandparents. Most of them I lost at an age where I could comprehend what was going on. Death is the slowest process on earth. The actual passing is quick. It's emotional and hard but it lasts for the blink of an eye. The decline can take years. To watch somebody age in those final 5-10 of their life is excruciating. It's a drip feed of watching somebody act in ways where you can tell they're just not themselves anymore.

Now with all that said I'm not saying Biden is knocking on deaths door, or that the process even started. What's clear to everybody though is that he's not the same guy as when he started his presidency. He's studders a lot more. He's lost a lot of hair. And he's clearly slower than he was just three years ago.

Hes doing the most stressful job in the world. A job that accelerates the aging process. He's already of an advanced age more so than any president in the history of this country. He's approaching the line of being too old to non functional. So if you're against him you're gonna take that to the extreme and cry he's dying right at this moment. But to everybody else he's past the "he's old" stage to "ehhh he's really fucking old, should he be doing that stage?" That's a decline.

I'm really not seeing any of this. In fact, I see a virulent Biden behind the podium every speech. The decline is greatly exaggerated, if not completely fabricated.

It astounds me that the same people who regularly listen to Trump could listen to Biden and go "my guy is perfectly healthy but Biden is losing it". Total disconnect from reality

He's clearly diminished, but I hope to be as active when I'm in my 80s. Even this guy, who isn't physically what he was 20 years ago, is a much, much better choice than the clown show on the other side.

Oh absolutely. I'd take Biden over the youngest Republican any day. But to act like there's been no decline at all is just denying the facts of being a human on this planet.

Alot of people disregard the fact that he has a speech impediment that makes him stutter. He's trained himself to control it, taking a moment to reset, but yeah it's a stressful ass job so I imagine he has a more difficult time speaking. I'm not gonna say he's a great orater but he does know how to actually deliver a message. Also Those same people talking about his age also completely disregard that Trump is just as old.