Reddit faces content quality concerns after its Great Mod Purge to – 1559 points –
Reddit faces content quality concerns after its Great Mod Purge

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Imagine if you were to replace "white" with "black" or "asian" or "gay" in the text you quoted. Is it now a racist comment?

Those groups don't have privilege.

A black slave master is a tragity. "You came from our position, you know first hand our plights and were taken in by their games anyway." A normal person says .

Is he a "black betrayor" or a "betrayor of his own community"?

It feels verry wrong to say these things on racial lines about large groups rather than communal ones.

Same question, diffrent perspective. is he a "white ally" or a "born-again privlaged manager"?

Imagine that I have that kind of imagination even without your wise input, and that I do not change my opinion on " " being racist or not based on whatever you insert for the perceived skin color.

Just the idea that you have that I would make a difference based on what someone inserts there makes it seem like in your mind it does matter who's being addressed. Because in my world it doesn't matter.

Also, complaining about some "privileged" is not racism in and of itself, and with the addition of "committing atrocities", the commenter on reddit outed themselves as a dumbfuck of a troll. And the previous poster clearly took the bait.

If it doesn't involve oppression of a minority race by an in-power race, it's not racism. Might be prejudism, not racism though. Racism involves a power imbalance that treats as inferior a minority.

No. It is not systemic or institutionalized racism. That does not mean it's not racism. If you hate all white people for no reason you're just as racist as someone who hates all black people for no reason. I wish we would stop conflating the two and pretending they are the same. Either you strive for equity and equality (meaning no one is out here saying any race is doing X Because they're that race) the world would be a better place, or you create an argument where there shouldn't be one to validate your own racism and or bias.

You're talking about the Marxist definition of racism, aka systemic racism. OP is talking about the common definition of racism, as in to judge based on race.

Its annoying the word "systematic" was chopped off because its basically a trueism if you left it.

If it doesn't not involve oppression of a minority race by an in-power race, it's not (systematic) racism. Might be prejudism, not (systematic) racism though. (systematic) Racism involves a power imbalance that treats as inferior a minority.

Right, but then you wouldn't be able to dismiss OPs concerns. OP wasn't talking about systemic racism, they were talking about the common understanding of racism.

The purpose is to muddy the waters.

I was being semi sarcastic, "an individual on his own is being systematically racist". I removed context by accedent in a earlier draft

Sure is. But "White" is prejudice at worst, not racism. Racism includes the inherent power dynamics and systemic racism against minorities.

So when it done in average African country with total population 5% of white(definetly a majority, swear on math meth textbook) is ok. Basically racism by non-white people is not a racism and there is nothing racist in this statement.

I'm not sure if I should mark such absurdity as mere sarcasm.

Its about power, completely devoid of racial lines. It matters If you are given the privlage and act apon convincing yourself of lies. It also matters if you chase power at all costs.

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