Supercut of Mike Lindell's problematic deposition to World – 160 points –
Mike Lindell Deposition Supercut

Mike Lindell's behavior in deposition has earned him a motion for sanctions. See all of the exhibits in one cut.


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I have not sat through many depositions, but that deposing attorney is impressively calm.

Most attorneys LOVE to give you plenty of rope to hang yourself with. Looks like Lindell did that in spades.

Oops all rope.

That rope would provide a more comfortable sleep than his pillows. (And a much LONGER one.)

That rope would provide a more comfortable sleep than his LUMPY pillows. (And a much LONGER one.)

Don't forget lumpy.

He's probably thrilled that Lindell is destroying his defense, committing new offenses, and he doesn't really care about being called an 'ambulance chaser' or 'disgusting' 50 times.

You didn't get to the part where he outright started calling the lawyer an asshole, did you?

Morbid curiosity, but there's only so much of this type of possession I can take. Imagine having to work for this egotistical fuck.

My favorite part is where the attorney asked him to list the other members of the 'crime family'.

That was funny but ultimately probably irrelevant to the case except as it relates to giving a view into Lindell's insanity.

my impression of how the attorney pointedly pursued that is that it was a new crime, or civil something.

I know probably most criminals aren't thrilled with depositions, but the folks questioning these MAGAts probably deserve a medal.

At least one year free therapy. 😂

Rattling a dude like lindell is probably therapy in itself. I'd pay to have an opportunity to ruffle this guy's feathers lol.

It's part of his tactics. The calmer you are the crazier it makes the other guy look.

More than that, the more you're not rattled by the angry name-calling, the deeper the other guy goes into it.

I imagine, if he dislikes Mike Pillow, he was ecstatic. This guy is digging himself a deeeep hole. Oh my his lawyer tells Mike to calm down and hour and half in. Oof.

I wanted a strong drink after just sitting through the supercut, I can't imagine how exhausting it must be for the lawyers on both sides.

The defence lawyer is going to need a whole case of the good stuff after that fiasco.

Yes. I hope this video becomes training for depositions. I know I would have difficulty staying calm and focused.