Women are less likely to receive CPR in public than men: Study

ZeroCool@feddit.ch to News@lemmy.world – 508 points –
Women are less likely to receive CPR in public than men: Study

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The more significant finding here is 40% of people don't get CPR - I think this mostly comes down to public ignorance. It's not like most schools make their students CPR certified. I got mine through Boyscouts, but a lot of people don't really get that kind of education.

I wouldn't be surprised if that explains the gender difference, too. Due to ignorance a lot of people might not really grasp the difference between chest compressions and fondling someone's chest 🙄

In germany, you need to take an 8 hour first aid course to get your driver's license.

It's better than nothing, but it's been 5 years for me and I'm not sure if I could still do it properly.

Which is another reason why drivers licenses and the FA course should be repeated every few years.

The amount of people who don’t understand road laws or misremember them is insane

I fully agree. People seem to forget that they are controlling 1.5 tons of steel at a ridiculous speeds and can easily kill someone if they move their hand just a bit too far.

And still my first aid teacher to get my German driver's license said that the survival rate for people whose heart stops is worse in Germany than the US

Did they give numbers or define survival?

It was a few years back. He might have. I mean, he meant survival as in surviving. He was just lamenting that though people in Germany know CPR, they aren't quick to come to people's aid. I do remember him saying anecdotally that when someone hits the ground in the US a crowd of people forms trying to help, though they might be mostly untrained.

Seems plausible, I found americans to be much more open towards strangers when I was there in 2016.

I don't know maybe because I keep it fresh in my mind for my job but it's really simple. If you look up emd cpr (proqa) instructions they give yoy very good simple steps to follow depending on how you answer.

There's more to it than that. CPR certifications only last two years (at least in the US) and there's also the liability included with performing CPR that they cover in the class. If you perform CPR but are found to not have a current certification then you can get in a heap of financial debt as your not truly covered by the protections the certification can provide you, mainly around the "permission" to perform the act. Ribs can be broken and lungs can be punctured simply by performing CPR normally with the required amount of pressure needed.

Call 911 and then follow the instructions of the operator who is trained in teaching CPR over the phone in these situations, and knows the latest. That you had training means you are more likely to understand instructions given ,and if not you were following directions of someone else.

You need to call 911 anyway. CPR is only performed on dead people, you need an AED (or similar tools in an ambulance) to bring someone back to life.

Calling 911 is the right way to go. Activating emergency response system. And if you don’t make sure someone else does and tells you they have. So many times people assume someone else called and no one has.

There was a push at one point in time to teach bystander CPR, which focuses on compressions at a rate of 100-120 a minute with a little less focus on landmarks and more “middle of the chest and go”. It also taught that people typically have about 20 minutes of reserve oxygen in their venous system and that compressions continuously increased survivability by keeping the circulation going through compressions. Considering average ems response time in the US, it seemed to reduce confusion and encouraged more community response (not wanting to do mouth to mouth is a fear people have). Not sure if it’s still being taught, but it was fairly well received at the time.

The 'single rescuer' CPR is still taught, and (one) standard says that if the rescuer doesn't want to give breaths by mouth, compressions alone are better than nothing. Giving breaths is still better. Once you have two rescuers, one better be giving breaths. I wish more places had the mouth masks placed with their AEDs. I carry mine around with me, but who the hell actually does that?

Call 911 yes, but if you have training, tell them to stfu and let you do it. They try to have you count out loud with them, but the delay over the phone makes you go off rhythm constantly. I threw the phone across the room when I was giving CPR to my dad. He didn't make it, and I often wonder if it was because of the shitty beginning of the CPR regimen.

That sounds traumatic. Hope you're getting through it (sorry for your loss)

In most cases good Samaritan laws protect people performing CPR regardless of certification.

Though yes, in my ideal world everyone would have up-to-date training paid for by the State.

Good Samaritan laws would protect you from that, no?

One of the beliefs is also the education of CPR is taught on male-form mannequins and that's how folks are taught anatomical landmarks. Many people don't actually know how to find the correct location to compress when breasts are present apparently.

I got mine through Boyscouts, but a lot of people don't really get that kind of education.

Unless you're a kid or a den mom, you don't have CPR training. It only lasts a few years.

Well, no, I have expired training. That's still better than literally nothing, it's not like the knowledge just vanishes. I think I could follow the 911 operator's instructions pretty well.

... though actually, yeah, I probably should fix that.