Netflix is planning to raise prices… again to – 1108 points –
Netflix is planning to raise prices... again

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Plex is cracking down on pirated content. They can't do anything locally (yet) but they sent out a mass email about two weeks ago saying that anyone that hosts a Plex server in the cloud (they didn't specifically mention Hetzner, but that's who is largely being affected) will lose access on October 12th.

That's because people were creating their own 'streaming services' using pirated content and selling access to it using Hetzner servers, which is very bad for all parties involved because it brings a lot of negative attention when actual profits are being generated from distributing pirated material.

Yeah, but it sucks for people like me who just set everything up a few weeks ago and are using it privately. I've hosted a massive Plex server locally for about a decade, but finally decided to stop doing everything locally. I had it running for two weeks in the cloud before I got the email from Plex. I just setup Jellyfin yesterday and all of my users will have to migrate to that.

That sucks for you, but you gotta understand Plex there as well I think. They know that all their clients are pirates, but they can't just ignore something like that, lest risk catching unwanted attention.

People thought hosting copyrighted content on someone's cloud and making it available to others was a good idea? 🤦🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️

This is why we can't have nice things.

It's specifically people doing this and selling access to the servers en masse, like these servers have a hundred or more users each. The don't care about the small fish that are doing this privately for no monetary gain.

Yeah, I guess it's often profit-driven. If you can get $5 per month from 100 people, you can probably clear hundreds of dollars per month. So that ten times, and this becomes quite a serious profit stream.

Plex is cracking down on pirated content.

I'm just as jaded and cynical as the next guy, but I think that this is a mischaracterization of that email. People were hosting Plex servers with thousands of users and terabytes of pirated content on Hetzner and selling access. I don't read them taking action as a signal for them blocking local libraries in the future.

They all do it just to get the lawyers off their backs. Plex is just a bigger target. Plex can't block anything locally so they take action against user distributing pirated content on a cloud service and are like "Here, we took action, can you leave us alone now?". It would practically be impossible for them to block the distribution of pirated content at the local level.

Plex fucked up when they created their Client-Server model because it allows traffic to run through their servers (the Plex Relay and their "phone home" model). This makes them legally responsible for "facilitating access to pirated content" even though they don't host the content. Jellyfin doesn't have this pitfall since you host everything yourself, they just provide the software.

You're the second person that says " Plex isn't cracking down on pirated content.... but they're banning people who are hosting servers with pirated content." If that's not " cracking down on pirated content" IDK what is....

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That’s their entire userbase. Bold call haha

Yeah, people act like Plex and other media servers are used for legally obtained content only. Plex is just covering their asses and they can't block users hosting locally so this is a "here we did something, are you happy now?" to the copyright lawyers.

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Good to know, hopefully this creates a drive to make alternatives a little more user friendly to set up

It's easy to setup remote access to Jellyfin... once you know what you're doing. I've been doing it for years, and just recently gave Caddy a try as my reverse proxy and it literally takes 3 lines of code to create a SSL secured reverse proxy (literally just { reverse_proxy Jellyfin:8096}).

I've written a docker compose file for each of my categories of apps on my server: Plex, Jellyfin, Admin apps, and Pirating. The Caddy config file is simple so I just copy that to its app directory. My DNS and my CNAME records are already set.

So after a bit of work writing the aforementioned scripts I can have my entire setup on a new server in about 5 minutes and one command.

IDK if docker-compose works on Windows, but I'm happy to share it if you run Linux.

Haha I’ve been scrolling down this thread and read these wholesome helpful comments and look up and it’s been you each time!!

Cut that shit out!!

👏 well done you beautiful soul 👍

Hahaha happy to help! Apparently two people didn't like my comment above for some reason 🤷‍♂️

I've been doing this for over a decade and have a lot of experience in what to do and what not to do!

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