House Votes to Oust Kevin McCarthy as Speaker: Live Updates - The New York Times

Chloyster [she/her] to – 107 points –
Speaker Vote: Far-Right G.O.P. Faction Throws House Into Chaos as McCarthy Is Ousted

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@hallettj @chloyster Until we stop using politics as a tool to punish each other, get used to more chaos and pain.

This is objectively false. One party deals entirely in culture warfare with no idea how to govern. The other at least tries to interface with real world problems.

All this "we" shit smacks entirely too much of cis het white middle class privelage

All this “we” shit smacks entirely too much of cis het white middle class privelage

Nah, it's just the usual "both sides are bad" false equivalence bullshit.

Both sides are bad, but they are not equivalent, and we indeed shouldn't flatten the landscape.

In the interest of being constructive, what do you propose is the best way to voice this opinion off-handedly?

"Both sides are terrible, but at least one doesn't wanna kill me."

Or similar. Just damn the Dems with faint praise.

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It smacks of a belief that to pull through this, the majority of us need to figure out how to get along.

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yes yes both sides of course, both sides

Yes yes, mustn't criticize the lesser evil, mustn't criticize.

@Zorque @chloyster @hallettj @downpunxx But is it? Why must we vote for evil in degrees every time? Why can't we say "let's look into these perceptions without having to agree with them wholesale?" Why are we killing and dying for ideas?
We're more than just pawns on this socio/economic/political chessboard. But who am I to demand that things be any different. What am I even contributing?

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The Republican party can stop denying women the right to control their bodies, stop denying science, stop censoring history, and stop othering anyone but Christian Cis Het White people any time they feel like it.

But they won't, because that's their entire political identity. I ought to know; I was one of them for 20 some odd years.

@CylustheVirus No, that isn't their entire history. I'm sorry you've been convinced by corporate and blasphemous malcontents within the economical and religious underbelly of the many American cults within.

Their history matters exactly zero compared to what they are doing now. Knowing that Republicans used to be the less shitty party but then it switched is academic.

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