Barkly regional mayor sits on young Indigenous boy while another man threatens to kill him – video [Australia] to World – 270 points –
Barkly regional mayor sits on young Indigenous boy while another man threatens to kill him – video

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The pretty important context to this video is that the boy in question had allegedly just broken into the mayor's house and he was waiting for the police (see here for a news article about the event).

Thanks, always important to have the context.

Are you trying to tell me buzzy headlines and sound bites aren’t enough to form an accurate, in depth opinion so I can have lengthy discussions with people about complex societal problems and suggest no solutions? How dare you insult my world view

Sure, that justifies threatening a child with death.

Well, not after he's been subdued.

Home invasions are inherent threats though.

In Canada I don't think you can threaten it either way since you can't legally protect you property with force unless force is used on you.

That sounds like a good way to get shot first in a country that has its own fair share of guns, not even getting into the fact that violence always favors the aggressor.

We're talking legally not morally boss.

And I'm talking about the implications of that law as presented.

Hopefully it's a bit more contextual than that.

It's the same in most civilized countries. You can sit on the guy to hold him down, you can punch if punched, stab if you see a knife, shoot if you see a gun. You can't however use disparit force if they slap you can't behead.

Last I checked Canada is safer than the U.S.

Quick numbers I could find

"Between 2003 and 2007, approximately 2.1 million household burglaries were reported to the FBI each year on average. Household burglaries ending in homicide made up 0.004% of all burglaries during that period."

So now add in all those home invasions that didn't get reported for a number of reasons and I would say they are very low risk. Pulling a gun will increase the danger.

Sources need links or at least the actual name of the source, not just quotation marks.

Not sure why you're talking about the FBI after your previous statement, but home invasions by definition are when an occupant is at home. Most robberies are committed when the house is empty specifically to avoid the possibility of conflict.

Robberies are a property crime.

Invasions are a threat.

What!?! No! That complicates my emotional response! Damn you and your “context!” Leave me with my clickbait titles and feelings of justified rage! Everyone I disagree with is a reasonless Neanderthal! I am superior and always right!

I think if there was any rage it's because it's a kid and the man is a figure of power. He's supposed to represent the population and it's interests. Basically what I'm saying is, if he made an effort to know the kid maybe he could find ways to help.

When you are a kid doing bullshit do you prefer to be helped to a better path or just plain old intimidaded for no truly decent purpose.

I think we have to find ways to improve help carry the next generation so they can achieve better things. But maybe that's just bc I watch too much anime

The mayor was restraining the boy a other person was threatening the boy.

Do people think they're funny and/or smart leaving comments like this? Literally anytime someone questions something, there's this comment.