Trump Fan ‘MAGA 8 Band’ Does Trainwreck Performance To Warm Up Trump Rally Crowd

Flying to politics – 140 points –
WATCH: Trump Fan ‘MAGA 8 Band’ Does Trainwreck Performance To Warm Up Trump Rally Crowd

Warning: Do not listen if prone to ear bleeding.


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What is it about conservatism that makes all of their artists so shit?

Good art is free expression of diverse ideas. Conservatives prefer artistic expression to conform to their narrow sensibilities.

Does this really rise to the level of artistic expression?

Art does not need to be good to be expressed.

I’m tempted to dive into my philosophic opinions on when art ceases to be, but they would be coming from some really unearned confidence.

I want to hear them!

Eh, why not.

In my opinion, art is when a person is inspired by … ”emotion” seems to weak and vague. “Passion” is closer, but some art is subtler and gentler than that word evokes.

That feeling could be humor, or awe. It could be hate, love, worship, derision, even focus or determination. They take that feeling and use it as inspiration to intentionally create.

Creation. Inspiration. I think art is when these two elements fuze.

I know you get some weird situations because of that definition, but I still like it.

Poorly drawing a dick on a napkin to make your depressed friend smile is more art than a world class painter perfectly, yet passionlessly, duplicating a priceless masterpiece for a scam.

A designer spending four extra hours in CAD because that small section of the chair just isn’t right is creating art. The assembly line recreating that exact chair for sell isn’t.

What is good art is extremely subjective. In my opinion, it’s art that takes a great deal of skill, effort, or an ingenuous innovation. It’s art that the passion of the artist demands you listen, or art that inspires an intense passion in the consumer of it. If it has a goal of inspiring a reaction, and it inspires that exact reaction.

Bad art is lazy, or boring. It derives its substance entirely from prior art with no innovation or originality. If it has a goal reaction, it fails to elicit it. It can be low skill or low effort. If its designed to bully or punch down, it is in my opinion “bad art”.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

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I mean, if it was meant to be ironic.... But like, also, they've been using auto tuners and other special effects in live performances since I was in highschool; enough that, with some care, one could make me sound like Britney Spears... and on key, and all that. and lets just say my problem isn't how I go looking for a note and don't find it. it's how I go looking for a note and find all the notes.

The sound tech should be fired. it's even easier today with everything being digital.

Art is supposed to make you feel something.

This definitely makes me feel something. Not something nice, but something.

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I watched this video about why Conservative comedians aren't funny. It's over an hour and, ironically, I don't find the presenter very funny himself, but its certainly a deep dive into the topic.

The main points are:
This is a uniquely American thing. Other countries have successful comedians with conservatives values.

This is a recent trend. Blue Collar comedy was big in the US for a long time. It isn't anymore. Not because people doing Blue Collar comedy don't exist but because American Conservatives don't enjoy it anymore.

This is because American Conservatives have adopted a "you're with us or you're against us" stance. Any comment or joke that doesn't 100% agree with the current party talking point is seen as an attack (often now called "woke").

I think these points can be abstracted to all artistic expression. When an artist becomes "woke" for straying from party lines they are stuck being a party mouth piece repeating the same thing ad nauseam.

Jim Jeffries did a bit on gun control years ago. It was hilarious. He finishes the joke by mentioning how most people will get that it's a joke, while 10% of viewers are "fucking seething". It's truly great and I recommend finding and watching it.

Some years ago, I had mentioned that bit to a conservative acquaintance of mine, and it turns out, he is a 10%er. I haven't talked to him probably since Trump won, and while I reminisce over the good times we had, he's completely off his rocker and I'm fine if we don't cross paths again.

Fuck it, here a link to part 1 of the joke.

creativity and open mindedness go hand and hand. also conservatives demand only to be directly appealed to and quality is secondary

It also requires acceptance of others’ ideas to build on

I think it's more a problem of too many artists are disallowing the campaign from using their songs, so they have to make their own...

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