Human Rights Watch says Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza, Lebanon to World – 511 points –
Human Rights Watch says Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza, Lebanon

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How? Hamas attacked Israel. So Hamas is committing genocide on itself? Seems like a leopard eating you face move.

We got a big brain over hurrr

You'll find that I'm critical of both sides in this conflict. I believe Israel and Hamas governments are in the wrong, have killed innocent people, and both should be dissolved and held accountable. This is the result of putting extremists in power.

And one of them enjoys unconditional support from the most powerful military in the world. It's completely asymmetrical.

I wonder why nobody supports the Palestine people, not even the Arab countries around. Perhaps because of all the terrorist attacks?

Or racism. Probably racism. One of the biggest driving factors in checks papers ah, genocide.

Israel creates terrorists out of Palestinians by the constant chokehold in the form of an apartheid state. Almost like if you abuse a group of people repeatedly over years, eventually, some of them get the whacky idea to hit back.

They attacked Israel one day after it declared independence. With the, ever since, stated goal of destroying Israel. Not accepting any sort of agreement. Pure hate and destruction.

But Israel are the bad guys because of racism? They are the abusers, because they fight back and don't want to get destroyed? They are certainly not saints by any means, but what a twisted view is that? That is the type of bullshit like Russia had to attack Ukraine because of NATO.

Hey boss, when you have a group of people suddenly declare a holy site and that they're a new country inside an existing country, that's usually met with force of "No, fuck off". Try it in the United States, I can guarantee you it will not last a week. They started the conflict on 'religious grounds' and have been pushing Palestinians out of their homes, by force, while also trying to make themselves synonymous with Jews as a whole so suckers like you think they're the victims. Hell, the United States sent them the Iron Dome infrastructure and they used that protection to do more slaughtering of Palestinians and take more land.

Yes. Israel are the bad guys for using white fucking phosphorus as a weapon. They aren't defending themselves. They're literally stealing homes and land and when Palestinians try to take it back they're killed. Look at the map of their border for the last couple decades. Absolutely fuck Israel. They not only started this conflict but put Palestinians into an open air prison from which they cannot escape. Look up what an apartheid state is because that's the chokehold Israel has had over the Palestinians for years upon years. This is not new. Israel has always been the bad guys and will continue to be. This shouldn't be controversial and it boggles my mind how so many people can be so poorly informed about this conflict and simply take the side of Israel because daddy Biden and the Western countries default to it.

Israel does not mean all jews. Israel does not get a free genocide pass because Jews faced their own genocide 80 years ago. They do not get to use chemical weapons because they themselves were gassed. They do not get to become the monsters they once fought against.

Israel has always been the bad guys and will continue to be.

When you put it like that it suggests there's only one group of bad guys. Hamas clearly have their own very bad guys, as we saw last week. Yes, Israel can be brutal and there's a history to this, but it's never going to work to pick just one side and say "You're the baddies."

No to be clear, there's only one group of bad guys. You don't blame victims of abuse for fighting back and as far as I'm concerned this was a proportional response to being ethnically fucking cleansed. Obviously in a civilized world there'd be no need for Hamas but again, Israel is to blame for their entire existence.

You don't think there's anything bad about murdering hundreds of people at a music festival and in their homes?

I think over 60 years of senselessly slaughtering Palestinians over a dogshit reason like religion can cause brutal retaliation in the form of militant extremists. What Hamas did is the fault of Israel. Fuck Israel.

I think once you start using chemical weapons such as white phosphorus, a chemical agent so controversial Call of Duty had to remove it as a killstreak after backlash, you have lost the plot so hard that anyone willing to defend Israel after this are just transparently ignorant or monsters.

White phosphorus is used in smoke and illumination kits. It is not only used as an incendiary weapon.

It is only legal to be used in smoke or illumination purposes.

It is being used for neither by Israel.

Got a source?

Yeah you're literally commenting on it.

From the article:

Reuters could not independently verify the rights group's accounts.

The fucking hubris on some of you guys is insane.

And you're fucking retarded.

Human Rights Watch on Thursday accused Israel of using white phosphorus munitions in its military operations in Gaza and Lebanon, saying the use of such weapons puts civilians at risk of serious and long-term injury.

I don't give two fucks what Reuters could independently verify. We have confirmed reports, images, and videos of children with holes burned into their bodies. They did this shit in 2009 as well. You're on Lemmy but incapable of figuring out a fucking search engine? I don't have patience for morons anymore.

IDF is doing enough shitty stuff already I don't know why you think we need to spread misinformation to muddy the waters. Nothing you added supports your previous statement. I understand there's a lot of anger around but you're playing into their hands

I literally posted a source of them doing it prior and the article you're still fucking commenting on is claiming they're doing it again but sure, give them the benefit of the doubt when we have evidence they've already been doing it. My anger is shared between Israel and the people trying to defend the IDF when shown clear proof of the war criminals they are. What else could they fucking do before you're willing to condemn them? Fuck, may as well take a plane to Egypt and head on over to see it yourself. Just keep in mind white phosphorus will choke you to death if it doesn't land on you, in which case, there's no way to put the fire out. Enjoy.

This article's only evidence is the witness testimony of a human rights group. Was there anything else? My point is the IDF is already pretty awful without having to make stuff up, otherwise we are just muddying the waters

Right now by bombing one of the worlds most densely populated areas with white phosphors.

The White Phosphorus is in the flares, not the bombs.

Flare, bombs. Doesn't matter how you think it's being delivered, it's still being chucked into Gaza in large amounts.

It's a target market.

4 weeks of Napoleonic artillery would level the strip. You need markers like wp and "smart" artillery munitions that can course correct mid flight to avoid flattening the damn city.

Yes, but your implying something that isn't happening. It's bad enough just sticking to actual events.