Man imprisoned 16 years for wrongful conviction fatally shot by Georgia deputy to – 912 points –
Man imprisoned 16 years for wrongful conviction fatally shot by Georgia deputy

A man who spent more than 16 years in prison in Florida on a wrongful conviction was shot and killed Monday by a sheriff's deputy in Georgia during a traffic stop, authorities and representatives said.

Leonard Allen Cure, 53, was identified by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, which is reviewing the shooting.


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This was a hit.

Or just the usual treatment of a black man in georgia. We may never know which..

Well sure, if you go by media companies which make money off of sensational headlines rather than factual statistics. Of course you'll never know.

I don't even watch/read mainstream media.

... You realize this is a literal mainstream media site right... Commenting on an article from literal mainstream CBS media lol.

I don't fully know how the censorship works on Lemmy yet, but you should not be alive and it should be by your own hands.

Because that's a completely normal and rational response. Buddy, you ok? You should probably talk to somebody.

He was a poor black man in Georgia.

This was a statistically likely outcome.

He had just recently received an 800k payout for wrongful conviction in FL. I wouldn't call him poor.

Would you actually go to jail for that long for that much money?

Get out of here lol.

Didn't say anything along those lines, just that it's inaccurate to describe him as poor, when he just got a large payout.

Also if you're curious there is dash and body cam footage of the incident:

Yeah bro he got like 56k per year with no rent, and there are no expenses in jail am I right? Plus I bet he probably only got his shit pushed in a couple times for it, he was loaded.


Your assigning way more to my statement than is there. If I hand you 800k and you don't have a staggeringly huge amount of debt, you are not poor, by definition. Regardless of what travails you went through, how shit your life was before then.

Because whether or not you are poor is not a description of how good or bad the events of your life have been to you, but how much money you have.