It’s an Absolutely Terrifying Night in Gaza Right Now to World – 545 points –

Some people, communicating via satellite phones, have described the attack as the “heaviest bombardment yet,” according to independent journalist Sharif Kouddous.

“People can’t call ambulances or civil defense. We are being bombed in an unprecedented manner,” said an unidentified journalist at a Gaza hospital, according to a translation by The Nation’s Palestinian correspondent, Mohammed El-Kurd. “The sky around us just lights up [with explosions], and no one knows what’s going on.”


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Israel is worse than Russia. Russia, in contrast, looks downright reasonable.

In a few weeks, Israel has killed almost as many civilians as those that have died on both sides over the course of almost two years of the Russia-Ukraine war.

.ca never fails to come up with the worst dogshit opinions.

Instead of being dismissive, why are they wrong?

Everything any of these leftist fucks say is always wrong. It's impossible to quantify it all in one post, but here's the broad strokes.

  1. Hamas is a terror organization who steals from, tortures, and oppresses their own people. Hamas seeks to maximize civilian casualties however possible.

2: Israel is not committing (or even attempting) genocide. This one's especially bad because you'd have to be pants-on-head stupid to believe it. It's just pure, distilled, antisemitism.

3: Palestine isn't a country, was never a country, and only Israel has ever been interested in making them a country.

4: Russia and Israel are operating at exact opposite purposes. Russia is trying to rekindle the Russian Empire. Israel is just trying to not suffer genocide against a foreign regime that literally calls for genocide of Jews worldwide. When I say literally, I mean they literally put out a call to action after their attack for Jews to be attacked worldwide, prior to any Israeli military response.

5: Israel is acting with severe restraint compared to what the US would do if a foreign nation invaded and murdered 45,000 people in their homes. Adjusted for population size, that's what the comparable death toll would be in the US. We'd absolutely fucking level any country that did that. We fought WW2 over less. We fought Iraq and Iran over less than 10% of that

It's hard to call out specifics when every single thing every one of these people say is wrong.

You haven't read about the founding of modern Israel and the history of Zionism. Please do

(Before accusing me if being pro-terrorist, pro-Hamas whatever, know that I consider both entities unnecessarily violent and evil. But it is important to know why they are that way)

I am well aware of the history thanks.

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zephyreks is a ! mod who is banning people there for "orientalism" when they criticize the CCP (you can check their modlog), also it's the same instance where admins haven't banned a lead Lemmy dev when he repeatedly said that "all Israeli citizens are valid targets" and they merely deleted his comments way after they came under fire but until now they are still working with him. It should be clear by now that most "we're just pro-Palestinians, but look we also don't like Hamas" people here on Lemmy are simply tankies cheering for terrorism and authoritarianism, which is also why they usually share sketchy pro-Hamas sources. They'll concern-troll about the victims in Gaza but in reality all that matters to them is that the US and one of its most important allies get hurt, because, you know, it helps advance their anti-capitalistic "cause", and for the most antisemitic of them they'll also rejoice at some Jewish deaths.

I mean, its not that hard to find both Isreal AND Hamas's actions atrocious. What happened on the terrorist attack was horrifying and disgusting, and so is how Isreal is "Responding" (In quotes because while the severity has ramped up, this isnt exactly new behavior towards Gaza). I hate the Tankies here too, but thats not a Tankie only stance

It should be clear by now that most “we’re just pro-Palestinians, but look we also don’t like Hamas” people here on Lemmy are simply tankies cheering for terrorism and authoritarianism

I disagree here. There's plenty of people genuinely horrified by the civilians killed by both sides.

My modlog hasn't banned anyone lmao go bark up another tree

Numbers don't lie.

Neither Ukraine nor Russia come even close to as bloodthirsty for civilian lives as Israel. Israel is killing civilians and killing Hamas fighters as collateral damage. Ukraine and Russia are killing each other's soldiers and killing civilians as collateral damage. They're not the same.

Numbers in fact do lie. Any knowledge of statistics 101 basic-ass shit sort of proves this

Tell me you don't have a degree without telling me you don't have a degree

5 days for a comeback that weak?

You should've left me crying after cooking up a little something for that long.

I mean, sounds like your most advanced exposure to statistics was "this is a joint probability"

Take a more advanced stats course. It's really insightful and will open your mind.

They haven't taken stats 101 yet

I think this is likely correct. Lemmy's users skew very young. It explains a lot about what opinions, sentiments and views are and are not popular around here. Obviously there are some oldsters like myself, but I think we're more the exception rather than the rule.

That is continually changing as people find the site.

Early adoption sites are always full of young people and extremists early on.

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Ukraine is way larger than Gaza, the EU has let millions of refugees in... and still Russia has leveled several Ukrainian cities to the ground, with soldiers shooting random civilians on the streets.

Right now, Russia is like Israel and Hamas put together, the only reason they've killed fewer civilians, is they couldn't find more.

The casualty ratios are way off. Try again.

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