‘Nobody’s hands are clean’: Obama urges reflection amid Israel-Hamas conflict

Salamendacious@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 681 points –
‘Nobody’s hands are clean’: Obama urges reflection amid Israel-Hamas conflict

Former President Barack Obama cautioned against ignoring the complexities of the Israel-Hamas war, warning that “all of us are complicit.”

“If you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth. And you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean, that all of us are complicit to some degree,” he said in an excerpted interview with Pod Save America released Saturday.


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You seem to not understand what a proportionate response in war is. Israel's goal is extermination of the terrorist threat in Gaza, their actions are proportional for those goals. Not lost in the calculation is the terrorists saying they intend on continuing their terror attacks on civilians, making a ceasefire all but impossible to institute.

The question of whether or not it's humane or ethical is a different question that should be debated.

The only reason a terrorist threat exists at all is that Israel has openly said they are trying to genocide Palestinians. Combined with the last 30 years of Apartheid they've already done.

The only reason a terrorist threat exists at all

How did this recent war start again?

75 years isn't that recent

Mhm it's almost like after 75 years there are generations that have been born on this land, and now are the locals.

So you're for a 1 state solution with equal rights and a government ran by the majority like south Africa?

So you're for a 1 state solution with equal rights

Sure, or a 10 state solution. Whatever, the number of states doesn't matter.

ran by the majority like south Africa

I oppose absolute democracy. I would support a representative state with strong constitutional protections.

South Africa is a representative state dude

I know, I'm not even specifically talking about South Africa. I'm addressing the "ran by the majority" part.

Unless you want to do crazy gerrymandering then democracies are as a rule ran by a majority

Unless you want to do crazy gerrymandering then democracies are as a rule ran by a majority

No, that's what constitutions and non-capita-proportional republics are for

By Israel running an apartheid state and committing countless war crimes against the people of Gaza. What is your point exactly?

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