Trump Caught Moving Money Around to Pay Massive Tax Bill to politics – 566 points –
Trump Caught Moving Money Around to Pay Massive Tax Bill

A court-ordered financial auditor has caught Donald Trump quietly moving $40 million from the Trump Organization into a personal bank account—seemingly so the former president could pay his whopping $29 million tax bill.

Trump isn’t supposed to be moving any money around without alerting Barbara S. Jones, a former federal judge in New York tasked with babysitting the Trump Organization for its relentlessly shady business practices. But on Wednesday, she notified a New York state court about some major bank transfers that were never brought to her attention by the Trumps.


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Cool cool cool, that’s just great. So there are going to be immediate legal consequences, right???

Fuck I’m so tired of this.

Oh yes yes, consequences aplenty! They are facing a fine of several thousand dollars here! Justice at long last!!

You forgot the strongly worded reprimand. He'll think twice next time.

But on Wednesday, she notified a New York state court

Just how fast you want them to move?! This was reported to the court TODAY.

And he stole classified documents three years ago. He orchestrated a failed coup three years ago too. At the rate this is going he's going to be elected grand emperor and he will just dismiss the cases against him.

Wake me up if he’s in a high max security prison with an orange jumpsuit and a tear tattooed next to his eye

the legal ramifications for Trump is so great, that it’ll spill over to people who shouldn’t be in trouble but sadly had the letter ‘T’ in their name. So sorry Tommy and Tina, you’re going to jail cause our Orange Idiot is too rich.

Oh, you too Anthony and Bridgette, don’t think we didn’t see those T’s hiding!

This is already done and has been for months. They are just trying to figure out exactly how fucked over here is.

Narrator: He wasn't.

You’re wrong. Anything can happen with the federal cases but this New York one will stick. The law they are using was created specifically for people like Trump that they can’t take down criminally.

I hope you're right but the last 6 years have eliminated 100% of confidence that you will be.

Your cynicism is totally understandable, but all the lawyers I've listened to on this one say he's fucked. It's just that Justice moves too slowly for the average person, so it feels like nothing is being done about his lawlessness.

Dude he's about to be elected perpetual supreme grand emperor so he can just cancel democracy.

Cross all the t's and dot all the i's but penalise him already.

I feel you. Justice moves slowly, especially for people who have immense privilege. I want him behind bars or hidden away somewhere, never to be seen again. We're too close to fascism to be giving people like him the benefit of the doubt.

Hey, he actually paid E Jean Carroll her proceeds from the lawsuit (this was part of the transactions listed here).

So he was actually out a little under $6M from a legal loss, and actually paid.

Anyway, toss that toothpick on the scales opposite the sequoiah of judicial indifference.

What's the issue here exactly?

You legally can't treat a corporation as your personal ATM.