Elden Ring May Be Getting New Content Soon, Judging From Recent Behind-the-Scenes Updates

crewords@lemmy.ml to Games@lemmy.world – 133 points –
Elden Ring May Be Getting New Content Soon, Judging From Recent Behind-the-Scenes Updates

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I don’t get that at all. Elden Ring was already painfully long. If you tried to do everything you ended up super OP. It became an absolute slug to get through. It was super repetitive. I can’t imagine anything they could add with a DLC that could improve that. I don’t get the hype for the DLC.

Opposite for me completely. I spent 120hrs on it and it flew by completely, I was sad when it ended and found I got no satisfaction from ng+ and also, couldn't bring myself to do a raw ng again with exploration of everything.

So new content is precisely what would entice me back to this and what I want.

I adored the game and also spent a little over 120h in it, but it's commonly accepted that past the capital, the game kind of lose its pacing and starts iterating on the same ideas, just in different settings.

Damn I had completely different experience. I think I’m on NG+4 with almost 300 hours.

Same i only quit because i had tried every weapon, incantation, and spell over like 5 different characters using just about every build i could imagine enjoying

And i was at 420.69 hours so lol

You have to intentionally level up, you know that right? It's not like you auto-level, you can beat the game at level 1.

In majority of other games it would be a valid scaling complaint. Yes you don’t need to level, but it’s part of the game as well, it should be implemented correctly so everyone can enjoy all parts of the game.

Not just don’t level up to enjoy it.

On the contrary, it's precisely because you can level at your own needed pace, ie go off and grind if you can't beat a part of the game, or keep going if you over-level, that makes it more enjoyable for more people.

News flash, people enjoy different things.

Exactly, that's why people can set their own difficulty by leveling as they please. I'm not insinuating that choice is bad, I'm stating that the flexible system in ER accounts for player preference.

… so you have to be good enough at the game first, to be able to level up, to make the game easier. What a great system!…. You’re suggesting grinding to make the game easier, peoples biggest complaints about JRPGS….

The game lacks a difficulty option, that’s another valid complaint, but didn’t fit their vision.

The game isn't hard to level up, there are numerous no-issue, fast grinding spots. It doesn't take hours to level, it takes going to a quick position, swinging your weapon a few times, and then leveling up.

The lack of a difficulty option is a good thing, it prevents elitism and allows the game to be properly balanced without resorting to artificial difficulty increases like blanket damage changes.

All in all, I don't see what your issue is. Are you arguing that ER shouldn't have leveling at the pace the player chooses, and instead increases in level based on what area you have unlocked, or something?

Prevents elitism?

Theres a comment that responded to me just saying they beat it at level 1.

It makes it worse lmfao.

The issue is scaling. You can’t do all the content in the game without being massively over leveled or have to intently go out of your to do stuff to make it fun. It’s a major issue with the game, I know you’re ignoring it, but it’s a valid complaint mate.

Yes, it prevents elitism. If you have difficulty sliders, rather than accessibility options, in a game known for difficulty, you will have endless numbers of elitists claiming only the hardest difficulty is valid.

Rather than having difficulty options, allow players to tailor the difficulty to their own preferences via leveling at their leisure.

You still haven't explained what you actually want.

… I explained it multiple times… Scaling Or having to intentionally waste time doing stuff to make it fun.

And how is people saying to play it at lvl 1 any different than those saying play it at the highest difficulty?

You just ate up their marketing didn’t you?

You did not. "Scaling" already exists in the game. What change to scaling do you want to make? Have the content match your level, regardless of location? That has numerous issues, not the least of which being a complete removal of player choice with regards to difficulty, or the absolute removal of any sense of progression.

Playing at level 1 vs a difficulty slider is a flexible choice. If there's a difficulty slider, unless you have literally hundreds of options, you cannot fine tune difficulty. If you automatically level, you cannot maintain your chosen difficulty and match it to what you want.

You just don't understand game design, that's not my problem.

All there is here is a difference in perspectives on what good design should be.

You agree with Elden Rings marketing and I don’t since there’s other games that do things differently but better too. Different strokes for different folks.

But hey, insult me, that’ll make people want to accept your opinion lmfao.

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ER did have a lot of reused assets and bosses in the tons of little dungeons. Those things were only interesting for the unique puzzles they sometimes had.

I have to expect the expansion will have all new content without much reuse. They've had as long as they need to make whatever they want. And traditionally Fromsoft expansions tend to be well received.

I don't honestly get the downvotes, this is a valid point of view.

It's not one I agree with, but I do agree Elden Ring was rushed with too much content planned.

This may however help with that.

I really hope the DLC expands and fixes core game issues, instead of thinking it has to add even more bloated areas to the game.

Like new areas are good, but don't make them just to have more areas (I'm looking at you, swamp and dungeons).

You're complaining that a game has too much content?

Games not scaled for you play all the content, not entirely the same complaint.

I mean, it kinda is though? The stats all have diminishing returns.

If you did all the content you would probably be max at everything by the time you finish a playthrough unless you lose lots of souls. Would there be an enemy or boss that would be significant hurdle for content to be fun at that point? Or would you intentionally need to do stuff to make it fun.

Because of the diminishing returns you would actually also hit that point far earlier than max level as well.

Not even close. I 100%'d the game and you don't get anywhere close to max everything. Plus, my point was that max everything actually doesn't make a huge difference because you get diminishing returns from each stat. For example a 70 in a stat vs a 99 in a stat is almost nothing.

Idk what you're on about, I platinum'd the game and I'm only RL200 in NG+3. RL200 is enough for a decently strong (but not OP at NG+3) battle mage class. I stopped leveling after hitting 200 at the end of my NG+2 playthrough and plan to play the DLC after NG+3 at the same RL.

It's not too much to ask that a Soulsborne enthusiast who's replayed the game multiple times and put in over 150hrs just decide when enough is enough regarding leveling. It's been that way since Demon Souls. It's an intentional part of the game design.

Why would you expect the game "scale" and retain its difficulty when you are 99 in every single stat? That's ridiculous.

So you had to reset the game increasing the difficulty to get more out of it. That’s not doing it in one playthrough.

Why are you even here, the way you've said things clearly shows you havent played or if you had you probably dropped it because you couldnt clear the first boss.

What are you even talking about, do you understand the concept of new game plus? I cleared all content in a single playthrough at RL150 after 100 hours, NG+ is required to get all endings and platinum the game just like most RPGs.

Idk if things are different for play station, but on xbox i got all endings on my first playthrough with some cloud storage shit. Ive been waiting forever to play the dlc on my ng+.

Yeah, I think if you pay attention you can do it in a single playthrough, I went through blind the first time and didn't start paying attention to guides until post game, so I'd missed a couple side quests and trophies. And then even paying attention on NG+ I missed one, so here I am at three playthroughs waiting for DLC.

It's bad though because it has too much stuff to do but in a way that makes it so there's nothing to do at the same time. Lazy lazy Miyazaki. Had more fun with Tears of the Kingdom.

So... Miyazaki is lazy because there's a lot of optional content?

You control when you gain stats. You don't have to level up. You can literally do 100% of the content and stay a level 1 Wretch the entire time. It's one of the most common challenge runs.

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It would be as painful if the world wasn't just a bunch of copy paste bullshit

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