War resumes in Gaza after truce collapses

goat@sh.itjust.works to World News@lemmy.world – 150 points –
War resumes in Gaza after truce collapses

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reminder there was a truce before the 7th of October attacks

Reminder that there was a 56 year occupation and a 75 year ethnic cleansing before the 7th of October attacks

Some more reminders to add:

  • Reminder that a majority of Palestinian deaths since October 7th were not members of Hamas

  • Reminder that hundreds have been murdered in the West Bank since October 7th even though "war" was only declared against Hamas who has no administration over the West Bank

  • Reminder that a large swath of civilian deaths were children who had no say in the 2006 "election" of Hamas to administer the Gaza strip

  • Reminder that multiple Palestinian villages have been ethnically cleansed in the West Bank during the assault on Gaza, by settler militias supported by the IOF.

  • Reminder that Israel rejected early proposals for hostage exchanges opting instead for carnage on the Palestinian civilians.

  • Reminder that Israel KNEW of the October 7 attack ahead of time and failed to do anything to stop it.

  • Reminder that Israel is by all accounts a setler-colonial ethnostate imposing apartheid on the Palestinian people.

imposing apartheid on the Palestinian people.

If you're interested in the double standard regarding such definitions, watch this: "Algeria, where are your Jews?" For those unaware of the answer, they were driven from the Muslim world.

My support for Palestinian liberation has nothing to do with Algeria, sorry.

You called them an apartheid state, Algeria, (along with Palestine and other Pro-Palestinian Islamic nations,) had something to do with the UN inappropriately defining them as such. Maybe watch the video?

The title is a whataboutism. So no, I'm not going to give it engagement, even to debunk it. Israel's occupation of the West Bank and imprisonment of Gaza is objectively Apartheid, all on it's own.

Can't be proven wrong if you refuse to look at contradictory evidence.
Judging books and videos by their titles is foolish. This is incredibly relevant, even if you choose willful ignorance.

Don't title your media with propaganda memes and people won't assume.

Yes it's clearly their fault you refuse to look at evidence even after I've told you to look beyond the title and why it's relevant. 🙄

Do you have a citation for hundreds of murders in the West Bank? All I can find are articles about individual incidents, and one that mentioned 34 children.

Reminder that a large swath of civilian deaths were children who had no say in the 2006 “election” of Hamas to administer the Gaza strip

Gazan checklist: Elect a terrorist government, support Intifada (70% support,) have lots of kids in miserable conditions while in what critics call an "open air prison," teach your kids to hate and become militants, allow Hamas to hide among your children while starting an unwinnable war, then blame Israel for the inevitable and predictable consequences.

Why do none of you seem to consider Gazan parents responsible for the circumstances of their children?

Maybe when you admit your parents raised you poorly, others might as well. You should lead by example.

Maybe when you admit your parents raised you poorly, others might as well. You should lead by example.

Seems like you're trying to violate rule 5 without addressing the substance of my comment.

Your post was basically a blood libel against Palestinians. Is that enough addressing of the substance for you?

Your post was basically a blood libel against Palestinians.

I'd love to hear you make this obviously absurd comparison. Tell me more about how personal responsibility for one's offspring is the same as baseless accusation of murdering and using the blood of Christians for rituals. I'll wait.

Blood libel or ritual murder libel (also blood accusation) is an antisemitic canard which falsely accuses Jews of murdering Christians in order to use their blood in the performance of religious rituals.

You are blaming children for the sins of the parents at best. Or absolutely making up accusations out of whole cloth at worst. It's not 1:1. But it's still not a good look.

You are blaming children for the sins of the parents at best. Or absolutely making up accusations out of whole cloth at worst. It’s not 1:1. But it’s still not a good look.

So, not like blood libel at all then. Got it.

Parents are in fact responsible for the conditions their children experience. They chose to create them under those circumstances, they chose to stay in those conditions, (before the war started they could have left through Rafah,) and most chose to support Intifada, (citation above,) leading to the current reprisals.

What accusations did I make up?

Germans making excuses to hate innocent people. You making excuses to hate innocent people. How is a different?

You seem to be confusing acknowledging causality and responsibility with hate.

And you seem to be looking 1 degree out for causality and stopping.

Reminder that hundreds of Palestinians were murdered during the 9-year "truce" from 2014-2023. Not to mention the land stolen and the homes, farms, and crops destroyed in the West Bank during that period.

now do missiles fired

Israeli deaths are already shown in that graph. I know it's hard to see, try zooming in.

do missiles fired

Count the rocks thrown or what lmao

In 1993, a Palestinian child threw a rock at an IDF soldier bulldozing their home and that apparently justifies the mass slaughter of civilians today.

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You didn't answer them. Why don't unsuccessful attempts to blindly and indiscriminately murder Israelis count?

Did I ever say they don't count? The point is that both Israel and Hamas violated the "truce", making it a stretch to say there was an actual truce prior to October 7th.

Israeli civilians and Palestinian civilians suffer as a result of the exchanges between the IDF and Hamas.

Both the IDF and Hamas do not care about their civilians.

Both the IDF and Hamas do not care about killing civilians to achieve their goal.

But the IDF has been doing this for far longer than Hamas and helped to create them in the first place.

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This is as terrible an argument as when republicans point to maps showing huge swathes of land colored red as if it's land that votes instead of the smaller blue areas of land filled with way more people (i.e. actual voters) and claiming that republicans are underrepresented. Lives are what matter and it's clear who is doing more killing.

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No there wasn't. Israel has never stopped committing acts of war against Gaza. There was a blockade in place and they never stopped doing strikes. To say there was a truce is fucking farcical.

Who the fuck cares. Fight back against colonizers

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