is there a limit to the point that i will find women attractive? to – 279 points –

Context, I'm 30 now and i will find women my age and up attractive, but 15 years ago a 35 year old women would never have been attractive to me.

As I've aged younger women are less and less attractive (thankfully)

But when I'm 60 will 60 year old women be attractive to me?


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It's personal preference, but basically edge limits that increase over time, like at 15 you're looking at +-6 months, at 20 it might be + or - 1 or 2 years. At 30 you're probably at looking at 5 years either side of 30.

Once you hit 500 the attraction window is so large it becomes mostly irrelevant, and you're judging more on aristocrical lineage and/or aristocrical diet.

It's only a few more years til 1000 (which usually turns out to be a very dull party with no surprise guests) and by that point you're lucky to find anyone attractive.

There's obviously the old 'hurr durr he's over 2000 so he must be gay now' stereotype, but as far as I can tell, attraction isn't cyclical.

Hope that helps!

We're generally talking humans here, not Time Lords.

Makes it weird that the Doctor generally travels with people 1-2% of his age. Bloody cradle snatcher!

They are kind of stuck. They have to find companions who don't have children or responsibilities. The best majority of the people who land in those categories are younger folks.

Im 6 million years old now, and im attracted to literal planets.

I remember at 2000 the hur due jokes. But honestly everyone's giblets are so shriveled at that age (unless enhanced through mummification etc) that gender becomes irrelevant. Kind of comes down to who has the best stories at that point.

Wow, how old are you ( if you don't mind me asking)?

Do you want to know how old I am, or which aristocrats I've eaten 😘

Can I come to your party,? Maybe drink some of your blood? Idk #justsillythings?

Cool to see the edge cases for Elves and Vampires. What would be practical limits for humans?

Be really careful, I couldn't tell which one exactly from your post, but as time goes on, you're going to have to watch out either for people trying to drive a wooden stake through your heart, or chop your head off with a sword to steal your power. Just wanted to toss out a helpful FYI.

On the other side, as someone younger it's hard to date people much older, as they start casually talking about what they did during various wars, or comparing the COVID pandemic to the black plague, and I've just got zero frame of reference to connect.

Everyone much older I've met has been just delightful (I assume the rude ones eventually get murdered by their local townsfolk) but it's just so hard to make that genuine connection when your life experiences are so different, you know?

Looking forward to catching up with you at the Over 2800s party next week!